4 #include "AbstractState.h"
5 #include "CPmsgpack.h"
6 #include <msgpack/fbuffer.hpp>
7 #include "crossplatform_shared_ptr.h"
8 #include "Exceptions.h"
9 #include "CoolProp.h"
10 #include <sstream>
11 #include "Configuration.h"
12 #include "Backends/Helmholtz/PhaseEnvelopeRoutines.h"
18 #define LIST_OF_MATRICES \
19  X(T) \
20  X(p) \
21  X(rhomolar) \
22  X(hmolar) \
23  X(smolar) \
24  X(umolar) \
25  X(dTdx) \
26  X(dTdy) \
27  X(dpdx) \
28  X(dpdy) \
29  X(drhomolardx) \
30  X(drhomolardy) \
31  X(dhmolardx) \
32  X(dhmolardy) \
33  X(dsmolardx) \
34  X(dsmolardy) \
35  X(dumolardx) \
36  X(dumolardy) \
37  X(d2Tdx2) \
38  X(d2Tdxdy) \
39  X(d2Tdy2) \
40  X(d2pdx2) \
41  X(d2pdxdy) \
42  X(d2pdy2) \
43  X(d2rhomolardx2) \
44  X(d2rhomolardxdy) \
45  X(d2rhomolardy2) \
46  X(d2hmolardx2) \
47  X(d2hmolardxdy) \
48  X(d2hmolardy2) \
49  X(d2smolardx2) \
50  X(d2smolardxdy) \
51  X(d2smolardy2) \
52  X(d2umolardx2) \
53  X(d2umolardxdy) \
54  X(d2umolardy2) \
55  X(visc) \
56  X(cond)
63  X(TL) \
64  X(pL) \
65  X(logpL) \
66  X(hmolarL) \
67  X(smolarL) \
68  X(umolarL) \
69  X(rhomolarL) \
70  X(logrhomolarL) \
71  X(viscL) \
72  X(condL) \
73  X(logviscL) \
74  X(TV) \
75  X(pV) \
76  X(logpV) \
77  X(hmolarV) \
78  X(smolarV) \
79  X(umolarV) \
80  X(rhomolarV) \
81  X(logrhomolarV) \
82  X(viscV) \
83  X(condV) \
84  X(logviscV) \
85  X(cpmolarV) \
86  X(cpmolarL) \
87  X(cvmolarV) \
88  X(cvmolarL) \
89  X(speed_soundL) \
90  X(speed_soundV)
92 namespace CoolProp {
95 {
97  public:
98  int revision;
100  PackablePhaseEnvelopeData() : revision(0){};
102  void copy_from_nonpackable(const PhaseEnvelopeData& PED) {
103 /* Use X macros to auto-generate the copying */
104 #define X(name) name =;
106 #undef X
107 /* Use X macros to auto-generate the copying */
108 #define X(name) name =;
110 #undef X
111  };
113  std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>> vectors;
114  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::vector<double>>> matrices;
116  MSGPACK_DEFINE(revision, vectors, matrices); // write the member variables that you want to pack using msgpack
119  void pack() {
120 /* Use X macros to auto-generate the packing code; each will look something like: matrices.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::vector<double> >("T", T)); */
121 #define X(name) vectors.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::vector<double>>(#name, name));
123 #undef X
124 /* Use X macros to auto-generate the packing code; each will look something like: matrices.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::vector<std::vector<CoolPropDbl> > >("T", T)); */
125 #define X(name) matrices.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::vector<std::vector<double>>>(#name, name));
127 #undef X
128  };
129  std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>::iterator get_vector_iterator(const std::string& name) {
130  std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>::iterator it = vectors.find(name);
131  if (it == vectors.end()) {
132  throw UnableToLoadError(format("could not find vector %s", name.c_str()));
133  }
134  return it;
135  }
136  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::vector<double>>>::iterator get_matrix_iterator(const std::string& name) {
137  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::vector<double>>>::iterator it = matrices.find(name);
138  if (it == matrices.end()) {
139  throw UnableToLoadError(format("could not find matrix %s", name.c_str()));
140  }
141  return it;
142  }
144  void unpack() {
145 /* Use X macros to auto-generate the unpacking code;
146  * each will look something like: T = get_vector_iterator("T")->second
147  */
148 #define X(name) name = get_vector_iterator(#name)->second;
150 #undef X
151 /* Use X macros to auto-generate the unpacking code;
152  * each will look something like: T = get_matrix_iterator("T")->second
153  **/
154 #define X(name) name = get_matrix_iterator(#name)->second;
156 #undef X
157  // Find the index of the point with the highest temperature
158  iTsat_max = std::distance(T.begin(), std::max_element(T.begin(), T.end()));
159  // Find the index of the point with the highest pressure
160  ipsat_max = std::distance(p.begin(), std::max_element(p.begin(), p.end()));
161  };
162  void deserialize(msgpack::object& deserialized) {
164  deserialized.convert(temp);
165  temp.unpack();
166  if (revision > temp.revision) {
167  throw ValueError(format("loaded revision [%d] is older than current revision [%d]", temp.revision, revision));
168  }
169  std::swap(*this, temp); // Swap if successful
170  };
171 };
174 inline void mass_to_molar(parameters& param, double& conversion_factor, double molar_mass) {
175  conversion_factor = 1.0;
176  switch (param) {
177  case iDmass:
178  conversion_factor = molar_mass;
179  param = iDmolar;
180  break;
181  case iHmass:
182  conversion_factor /= molar_mass;
183  param = iHmolar;
184  break;
185  case iSmass:
186  conversion_factor /= molar_mass;
187  param = iSmolar;
188  break;
189  case iUmass:
190  conversion_factor /= molar_mass;
191  param = iUmolar;
192  break;
193  case iCvmass:
194  conversion_factor /= molar_mass;
195  param = iCvmolar;
196  break;
197  case iCpmass:
198  conversion_factor /= molar_mass;
199  param = iCpmolar;
200  break;
201  case iDmolar:
202  case iHmolar:
203  case iSmolar:
204  case iUmolar:
205  case iCvmolar:
206  case iCpmolar:
207  case iT:
208  case iP:
209  case ispeed_sound:
212  case iviscosity:
213  case iconductivity:
214  return;
215  default:
216  throw ValueError("TabularBackends::mass_to_molar - I don't know how to convert this parameter");
217  }
218 }
225 {
226  public:
227  std::size_t N;
228  shared_ptr<CoolProp::AbstractState> AS;
231  N = 1000;
232  revision = 1;
233  }
236  void build(shared_ptr<CoolProp::AbstractState>& AS);
238 /* Use X macros to auto-generate the variables; each will look something like: std::vector<double> T; */
239 #define X(name) std::vector<double> name;
241 #undef X
243  int revision;
244  std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>> vectors;
246  MSGPACK_DEFINE(revision, vectors); // write the member variables that you want to pack
248  /***
249  * \brief Determine if a set of inputs are single-phase or inside the saturation table
250  * @param main The main variable that is being provided (currently T or P)
251  * @param mainval The value of the main variable that is being provided
252  * @param other The secondary variable
253  * @param val The value of the secondary variable
254  * @param iL The index associated with the nearest point for the liquid
255  * @param iV The index associated with the nearest point for the vapor
256  * @param yL The value associated with the nearest point for the liquid (based on interpolation)
257  * @param yV The value associated with the nearest point for the vapor (based on interpolation)
259  \note If PQ or QT are inputs, yL and yV will correspond to the other main variable: p->T or T->p
260  */
261  bool is_inside(parameters main, double mainval, parameters other, double val, std::size_t& iL, std::size_t& iV, CoolPropDbl& yL,
262  CoolPropDbl& yV) {
263  std::vector<double>*yvecL = NULL, *yvecV = NULL;
264  switch (other) {
265  case iT:
266  yvecL = &TL;
267  yvecV = &TV;
268  break;
269  case iHmolar:
270  yvecL = &hmolarL;
271  yvecV = &hmolarV;
272  break;
273  case iQ:
274  yvecL = &TL;
275  yvecV = &TV;
276  break;
277  case iSmolar:
278  yvecL = &smolarL;
279  yvecV = &smolarV;
280  break;
281  case iUmolar:
282  yvecL = &umolarL;
283  yvecV = &umolarV;
284  break;
285  case iDmolar:
286  yvecL = &rhomolarL;
287  yvecV = &rhomolarV;
288  break;
289  default:
290  throw ValueError("invalid input for other in is_inside");
291  }
293  // Trivial checks
294  if (main == iP) {
295  // If p is outside the range (ptriple, pcrit), considered to not be inside
296  double pmax = this->pV[pV.size() - 1], pmin = this->pV[0];
297  if (mainval > pmax || mainval < pmin) {
298  return false;
299  }
300  } else if (main == iT) {
301  // If T is outside the range (Tmin, Tcrit), considered to not be inside
302  double Tmax = this->TV[TV.size() - 1], Tmin = this->TV[0];
303  if (mainval > Tmax || mainval < Tmin) {
304  return false;
305  }
306  } else {
307  throw ValueError("invalid input for other in is_inside");
308  }
310  // Now check based on a rough analysis using bounding pressure
311  std::size_t iLplus, iVplus;
312  // Find the indices (iL,iL+1) & (iV,iV+1) that bound the given pressure
313  // In general iV and iL will be the same, but if pseudo-pure, they might
314  // be different
315  if (main == iP) {
316  bisect_vector(pV, mainval, iV);
317  bisect_vector(pL, mainval, iL);
318  } else if (main == iT) {
319  bisect_vector(TV, mainval, iV);
320  bisect_vector(TL, mainval, iL);
321  } else {
322  throw ValueError(format("For now, main input in is_inside must be T or p"));
323  }
325  iVplus = std::min(iV + 1, N - 1);
326  iLplus = std::min(iL + 1, N - 1);
327  if (other == iQ) {
328  // Actually do "saturation" call using cubic interpolation
329  if (iVplus < 3) {
330  iVplus = 3;
331  }
332  if (iLplus < 3) {
333  iLplus = 3;
334  }
335  if (main == iP) {
336  double logp = log(mainval);
337  // Calculate temperature
338  yV = CubicInterp(logpV, TV, iVplus - 3, iVplus - 2, iVplus - 1, iVplus, logp);
339  yL = CubicInterp(logpL, TL, iLplus - 3, iLplus - 2, iLplus - 1, iLplus, logp);
340  } else if (main == iT) {
341  // Calculate pressure
342  yV = exp(CubicInterp(TV, logpV, iVplus - 3, iVplus - 2, iVplus - 1, iVplus, mainval));
343  yL = exp(CubicInterp(TL, logpL, iLplus - 3, iLplus - 2, iLplus - 1, iLplus, mainval));
344  }
345  return true;
346  }
347  // Find the bounding values for the other variable
348  double ymin = min4((*yvecL)[iL], (*yvecL)[iLplus], (*yvecV)[iV], (*yvecV)[iVplus]);
349  double ymax = max4((*yvecL)[iL], (*yvecL)[iLplus], (*yvecV)[iV], (*yvecV)[iVplus]);
350  if (val < ymin || val > ymax) {
351  return false;
352  }
353  // Actually do "saturation" call using cubic interpolation
354  if (iVplus < 3) {
355  iVplus = 3;
356  }
357  if (iLplus < 3) {
358  iLplus = 3;
359  }
360  if (main == iP) {
361  double logp = log(mainval);
362  yV = CubicInterp(logpV, *yvecV, iVplus - 3, iVplus - 2, iVplus - 1, iVplus, logp);
363  yL = CubicInterp(logpL, *yvecL, iLplus - 3, iLplus - 2, iLplus - 1, iLplus, logp);
364  } else if (main == iT) {
365  yV = CubicInterp(TV, *yvecV, iVplus - 3, iVplus - 2, iVplus - 1, iVplus, mainval);
366  yL = CubicInterp(TL, *yvecL, iLplus - 3, iLplus - 2, iLplus - 1, iLplus, mainval);
367  }
369  if (!is_in_closed_range(yV, yL, static_cast<CoolPropDbl>(val))) {
370  return false;
371  } else {
372  iL = iLplus - 1;
373  iV = iVplus - 1;
374  return true;
375  }
376  }
378  void resize(std::size_t N) {
379 /* Use X macros to auto-generate the code; each will look something like: T.resize(N); std::fill(T.begin(), T.end(), _HUGE); */
380 #define X(name) \
381  name.resize(N); \
382  std::fill(name.begin(), name.end(), _HUGE);
384 #undef X
385  };
387  void pack() {
388 /* Use X macros to auto-generate the packing code; each will look something like: matrices.insert(std::pair<std::vector<std::vector<double> > >("T", T)); */
389 #define X(name) vectors.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::vector<double>>(#name, name));
391 #undef X
392  };
393  std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>::iterator get_vector_iterator(const std::string& name) {
394  std::map<std::string, std::vector<double>>::iterator it = vectors.find(name);
395  if (it == vectors.end()) {
396  throw UnableToLoadError(format("could not find vector %s", name.c_str()));
397  }
398  return it;
399  }
401  void unpack() {
402 /* Use X macros to auto-generate the unpacking code; each will look something like: T = get_vector_iterator("T")->second */
403 #define X(name) name = get_vector_iterator(#name)->second;
405 #undef X
406  N = TL.size();
407  };
408  void deserialize(msgpack::object& deserialized) {
410  deserialized.convert(temp);
411  temp.unpack();
412  if (N != temp.N) {
413  throw ValueError(format("old [%d] and new [%d] sizes don't agree", temp.N, N));
414  } else if (revision > temp.revision) {
415  throw ValueError(format("loaded revision [%d] is older than current revision [%d]", temp.revision, revision));
416  }
417  std::swap(*this, temp); // Swap
418  this->AS = temp.AS; // Reconnect the AbstractState pointer
419  };
420  double evaluate(parameters output, double p_or_T, double Q, std::size_t iL, std::size_t iV) {
421  if (iL <= 2) {
422  iL = 2;
423  } else if (iL + 1 == N) {
424  iL = N - 2;
425  }
426  if (iV <= 2) {
427  iV = 2;
428  } else if (iV + 1 == N) {
429  iV = N - 2;
430  }
431  double logp = log(p_or_T);
432  switch (output) {
433  case iP: {
434  double _logpV = CubicInterp(this->TV, logpV, iV - 2, iV - 1, iV, iV + 1, p_or_T);
435  double _logpL = CubicInterp(this->TL, logpL, iL - 2, iL - 1, iL, iL + 1, p_or_T);
436  return Q * exp(_logpV) + (1 - Q) * exp(_logpL);
437  }
438  case iT: {
439  double TV = CubicInterp(logpV, this->TV, iV - 2, iV - 1, iV, iV + 1, logp);
440  double TL = CubicInterp(logpL, this->TL, iL - 2, iL - 1, iL, iL + 1, logp);
441  return Q * TV + (1 - Q) * TL;
442  }
443  case iSmolar: {
444  double sV = CubicInterp(logpV, smolarV, iV - 2, iV - 1, iV, iV + 1, logp);
445  double sL = CubicInterp(logpL, smolarL, iL - 2, iL - 1, iL, iL + 1, logp);
446  return Q * sV + (1 - Q) * sL;
447  }
448  case iHmolar: {
449  double hV = CubicInterp(logpV, hmolarV, iV - 2, iV - 1, iV, iV + 1, logp);
450  double hL = CubicInterp(logpL, hmolarL, iL - 2, iL - 1, iL, iL + 1, logp);
451  return Q * hV + (1 - Q) * hL;
452  }
453  case iUmolar: {
454  double uV = CubicInterp(logpV, umolarV, iV - 2, iV - 1, iV, iV + 1, logp);
455  double uL = CubicInterp(logpL, umolarL, iL - 2, iL - 1, iL, iL + 1, logp);
456  return Q * uV + (1 - Q) * uL;
457  }
458  case iDmolar: {
459  double rhoV = exp(CubicInterp(logpV, logrhomolarV, iV - 2, iV - 1, iV, iV + 1, logp));
460  double rhoL = exp(CubicInterp(logpL, logrhomolarL, iL - 2, iL - 1, iL, iL + 1, logp));
461  if (!ValidNumber(rhoV)) {
462  throw ValueError("rhoV is invalid");
463  }
464  if (!ValidNumber(rhoL)) {
465  throw ValueError("rhoL is invalid");
466  }
467  return 1 / (Q / rhoV + (1 - Q) / rhoL);
468  }
469  case iconductivity: {
470  double kV = CubicInterp(logpV, condV, iV - 2, iV - 1, iV, iV + 1, logp);
471  double kL = CubicInterp(logpL, condL, iL - 2, iL - 1, iL, iL + 1, logp);
472  if (!ValidNumber(kV)) {
473  throw ValueError("kV is invalid");
474  }
475  if (!ValidNumber(kL)) {
476  throw ValueError("kL is invalid");
477  }
478  return Q * kV + (1 - Q) * kL;
479  }
480  case iviscosity: {
481  double muV = exp(CubicInterp(logpV, logviscV, iV - 2, iV - 1, iV, iV + 1, logp));
482  double muL = exp(CubicInterp(logpL, logviscL, iL - 2, iL - 1, iL, iL + 1, logp));
483  if (!ValidNumber(muV)) {
484  throw ValueError("muV is invalid");
485  }
486  if (!ValidNumber(muL)) {
487  throw ValueError("muL is invalid");
488  }
489  return 1 / (Q / muV + (1 - Q) / muL);
490  }
491  case iCpmolar: {
492  double cpV = CubicInterp(logpV, cpmolarV, iV - 2, iV - 1, iV, iV + 1, logp);
493  double cpL = CubicInterp(logpL, cpmolarL, iL - 2, iL - 1, iL, iL + 1, logp);
494  if (!ValidNumber(cpV)) {
495  throw ValueError("cpV is invalid");
496  }
497  if (!ValidNumber(cpL)) {
498  throw ValueError("cpL is invalid");
499  }
500  return Q * cpV + (1 - Q) * cpL;
501  }
502  case iCvmolar: {
503  double cvV = CubicInterp(logpV, cvmolarV, iV - 2, iV - 1, iV, iV + 1, logp);
504  double cvL = CubicInterp(logpL, cvmolarL, iL - 2, iL - 1, iL, iL + 1, logp);
505  if (!ValidNumber(cvV)) {
506  throw ValueError("cvV is invalid");
507  }
508  if (!ValidNumber(cvL)) {
509  throw ValueError("cvL is invalid");
510  }
511  return Q * cvV + (1 - Q) * cvL;
512  }
513  case ispeed_sound: {
514  double wV = CubicInterp(logpV, speed_soundV, iV - 2, iV - 1, iV, iV + 1, logp);
515  double wL = CubicInterp(logpL, speed_soundL, iL - 2, iL - 1, iL, iL + 1, logp);
516  if (!ValidNumber(wV)) {
517  throw ValueError("wV is invalid");
518  }
519  if (!ValidNumber(wL)) {
520  throw ValueError("wL is invalid");
521  }
522  return Q * wV + (1 - Q) * wL;
523  }
524  default:
525  throw ValueError("Output variable for evaluate is invalid");
526  }
527  };
536  double first_saturation_deriv(parameters Of1, parameters Wrt1, int Q, double val, std::size_t i) {
537  if (i < 2 || i > TL.size() - 2) {
538  throw ValueError(format("Invalid index (%d) to calc_first_saturation_deriv in TabularBackends", i));
539  }
540  std::vector<double>*x, *y;
541  // Connect pointers for each vector
542  switch (Wrt1) {
543  case iT:
544  x = (Q == 0) ? &TL : &TV;
545  break;
546  case iP:
547  x = (Q == 0) ? &pL : &pV;
548  break;
549  default:
550  throw ValueError(format("Key for Wrt1 is invalid in calc_first_saturation_deriv"));
551  }
552  CoolPropDbl factor = 1.0;
553  switch (Of1) {
554  case iT:
555  y = (Q == 0) ? &TL : &TV;
556  break;
557  case iP:
558  y = (Q == 0) ? &pL : &pV;
559  break;
560  case iDmolar:
561  y = (Q == 0) ? &rhomolarL : &rhomolarV;
562  break;
563  case iHmolar:
564  y = (Q == 0) ? &hmolarL : &hmolarV;
565  break;
566  case iSmolar:
567  y = (Q == 0) ? &smolarL : &smolarV;
568  break;
569  case iUmolar:
570  y = (Q == 0) ? &umolarL : &umolarV;
571  break;
572  case iDmass:
573  y = (Q == 0) ? &rhomolarL : &rhomolarV;
574  factor = AS->molar_mass();
575  break;
576  case iHmass:
577  y = (Q == 0) ? &hmolarL : &hmolarV;
578  factor = 1 / AS->molar_mass();
579  break;
580  case iSmass:
581  y = (Q == 0) ? &smolarL : &smolarV;
582  factor = 1 / AS->molar_mass();
583  break;
584  case iUmass:
585  y = (Q == 0) ? &umolarL : &umolarV;
586  factor = 1 / AS->molar_mass();
587  break;
588  default:
589  throw ValueError(format("Key for Of1 is invalid in calc_first_saturation_deriv"));
590  }
591  return CubicInterpFirstDeriv((*x)[i - 2], (*x)[i - 1], (*x)[i], (*x)[i + 1], (*y)[i - 2], (*y)[i - 1], (*y)[i], (*y)[i + 1], val) * factor;
592  };
593  //calc_first_two_phase_deriv(parameters Of, parameters Wrt, parameters Constant);
594 };
601 {
603  public:
604  std::size_t Nx, Ny;
605  CoolProp::parameters xkey, ykey;
606  shared_ptr<CoolProp::AbstractState> AS;
607  std::vector<double> xvec, yvec;
608  std::vector<std::vector<std::size_t>> nearest_neighbor_i, nearest_neighbor_j;
609  bool logx, logy;
610  double xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax;
612  virtual void set_limits() = 0;
615  Nx = 200;
616  Ny = 200;
617  revision = 0;
620  logx = false;
621  logy = false;
622  xmin = _HUGE;
623  xmax = _HUGE;
624  ymin = _HUGE;
625  ymax = _HUGE;
626  }
628 /* Use X macros to auto-generate the variables; each will look something like: std::vector< std::vector<double> > T; */
629 #define X(name) std::vector<std::vector<double>> name;
631 #undef X
632  int revision;
633  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::vector<double>>> matrices;
635  void build(shared_ptr<CoolProp::AbstractState>& AS);
637  MSGPACK_DEFINE(revision, matrices, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax); // write the member variables that you want to pack
639  void resize(std::size_t Nx, std::size_t Ny) {
640 /* Use X macros to auto-generate the code; each will look something like: T.resize(Nx, std::vector<double>(Ny, _HUGE)); */
641 #define X(name) name.resize(Nx, std::vector<double>(Ny, _HUGE));
643 #undef X
644  make_axis_vectors();
645  };
647  void make_axis_vectors(void) {
648  if (logx) {
649  xvec = logspace(xmin, xmax, Nx);
650  } else {
651  xvec = linspace(xmin, xmax, Nx);
652  }
653  if (logy) {
654  yvec = logspace(ymin, ymax, Ny);
655  } else {
656  yvec = linspace(ymin, ymax, Ny);
657  }
658  };
660  void make_good_neighbors(void) {
661  nearest_neighbor_i.resize(Nx, std::vector<std::size_t>(Ny, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()));
662  nearest_neighbor_j.resize(Nx, std::vector<std::size_t>(Ny, std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()));
663  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < xvec.size(); ++i) {
664  for (std::size_t j = 0; j < yvec.size(); ++j) {
665  nearest_neighbor_i[i][j] = i;
666  nearest_neighbor_j[i][j] = j;
667  if (!ValidNumber(T[i][j])) {
668  int xoffsets[] = {-1, 1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1};
669  int yoffsets[] = {0, 0, 1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 1};
670  // Length of offset
671  std::size_t N = sizeof(xoffsets) / sizeof(xoffsets[0]);
672  for (std::size_t k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
673  std::size_t iplus = i + xoffsets[k];
674  std::size_t jplus = j + yoffsets[k];
675  if (0 < iplus && iplus < Nx - 1 && 0 < jplus && jplus < Ny - 1 && ValidNumber(T[iplus][jplus])) {
676  nearest_neighbor_i[i][j] = iplus;
677  nearest_neighbor_j[i][j] = jplus;
678  break;
679  }
680  }
681  }
682  }
683  }
684  };
686  void pack() {
687 /* Use X macros to auto-generate the packing code; each will look something like: matrices.insert(std::pair<std::vector<std::vector<double> > >("T", T)); */
688 #define X(name) matrices.insert(std::pair<std::string, std::vector<std::vector<double>>>(#name, name));
690 #undef X
691  };
692  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::vector<double>>>::iterator get_matrices_iterator(const std::string& name) {
693  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::vector<double>>>::iterator it = matrices.find(name);
694  if (it == matrices.end()) {
695  throw UnableToLoadError(format("could not find matrix %s", name.c_str()));
696  }
697  return it;
698  }
700  void unpack() {
701 /* Use X macros to auto-generate the unpacking code; each will look something like: T = *(matrices.find("T")).second */
702 #define X(name) name = get_matrices_iterator(#name)->second;
704 #undef X
705  Nx = T.size();
706  Ny = T[0].size();
707  make_axis_vectors();
708  make_good_neighbors();
709  };
711  bool native_inputs_are_in_range(double x, double y) {
712  double e = 10 * DBL_EPSILON;
713  return x >= xmin - e && x <= xmax + e && y >= ymin - e && y <= ymax + e;
714  }
718  void find_native_nearest_neighbor(double x, double y, std::size_t& i, std::size_t& j) {
719  bisect_vector(xvec, x, i);
720  if (i != Nx - 1) {
721  if (!logx) {
722  if (x > (xvec[i] + xvec[i + 1]) / 2.0) {
723  i++;
724  }
725  } else {
726  if (x > sqrt(xvec[i] * xvec[i + 1])) {
727  i++;
728  }
729  }
730  }
731  bisect_vector(yvec, y, j);
732  if (j != Ny - 1) {
733  if (!logy) {
734  if (y > (yvec[j] + yvec[j + 1]) / 2.0) {
735  j++;
736  }
737  } else {
738  if (y > sqrt(yvec[j] * yvec[j + 1])) {
739  j++;
740  }
741  }
742  }
743  }
745  void find_nearest_neighbor(parameters givenkey, double givenval, parameters otherkey, double otherval, std::size_t& i, std::size_t& j) {
746  if (givenkey == ykey) {
747  bisect_vector(yvec, givenval, j);
748  // This one is problematic because we need to make a slice against the grain in the "matrix"
749  // which requires a slightly different algorithm
750  try {
751  bisect_segmented_vector_slice(get(otherkey), j, otherval, i);
752  } catch (...) {
753  // Now we go for a less intelligent solution, we simply try to find the one that is the closest
754  const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& mat = get(otherkey);
755  double closest_diff = 1e20;
756  std::size_t closest_i = 0;
757  for (std::size_t index = 0; index < mat.size(); ++index) {
758  double diff = std::abs(mat[index][j] - otherval);
759  if (diff < closest_diff) {
760  closest_diff = diff;
761  closest_i = index;
762  }
763  }
764  i = closest_i;
765  }
766  } else if (givenkey == xkey) {
767  bisect_vector(xvec, givenval, i);
768  // This one is fine because we now end up with a vector<double> in the other variable
769  const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& v = get(otherkey);
770  bisect_vector(v[i], otherval, j);
771  }
772  }
775  void find_native_nearest_good_neighbor(double x, double y, std::size_t& i, std::size_t& j) {
776  // Get the node that is closest
777  find_native_nearest_neighbor(x, y, i, j);
778  // Check whether found node is good
779  if (!ValidNumber(T[i][j])) {
780  // If not, find its nearest good neighbor
781  // (nearest good neighbors are precalculated and cached)
782  std::size_t inew = nearest_neighbor_i[i][j];
783  std::size_t jnew = nearest_neighbor_j[i][j];
784  i = inew;
785  j = jnew;
786  }
787  }
790  void find_native_nearest_good_cell(double x, double y, std::size_t& i, std::size_t& j) {
791  bisect_vector(xvec, x, i);
792  bisect_vector(yvec, y, j);
793  }
794  const std::vector<std::vector<double>>& get(parameters key) {
795  switch (key) {
796  case iDmolar:
797  return rhomolar;
798  case iT:
799  return T;
800  case iUmolar:
801  return umolar;
802  case iHmolar:
803  return hmolar;
804  case iSmolar:
805  return smolar;
806  case iP:
807  return p;
808  case iviscosity:
809  return visc;
810  case iconductivity:
811  return cond;
812  default:
813  throw KeyError(format("invalid key"));
814  }
815  }
816 };
820 {
821  public:
822  LogPHTable() {
823  xkey = iHmolar;
824  ykey = iP;
825  logy = true;
826  logx = false;
827  };
828  void set_limits() {
829  if (this->AS.get() == NULL) {
830  throw ValueError("AS is not yet set");
831  }
832  CoolPropDbl Tmin = std::max(AS->Ttriple(), AS->Tmin());
833  // Minimum enthalpy is the saturated liquid enthalpy
834  AS->update(QT_INPUTS, 0, Tmin);
835  xmin = AS->hmolar();
836  ymin = AS->p();
838  // Check both the enthalpies at the Tmax isotherm to see whether to use low or high pressure
839  AS->update(DmolarT_INPUTS, 1e-10, 1.499 * AS->Tmax());
840  CoolPropDbl xmax1 = AS->hmolar();
841  AS->update(PT_INPUTS, AS->pmax(), 1.499 * AS->Tmax());
842  CoolPropDbl xmax2 = AS->hmolar();
843  xmax = std::max(xmax1, xmax2);
845  ymax = AS->pmax();
846  }
847  void deserialize(msgpack::object& deserialized) {
848  LogPHTable temp;
849  deserialized.convert(temp);
850  temp.unpack();
851  if (Nx != temp.Nx || Ny != temp.Ny) {
852  throw ValueError(format("old [%dx%d] and new [%dx%d] dimensions don't agree", temp.Nx, temp.Ny, Nx, Ny));
853  } else if (revision > temp.revision) {
854  throw ValueError(format("loaded revision [%d] is older than current revision [%d]", temp.revision, revision));
855  } else if ((std::abs(xmin) > 1e-10 && std::abs(xmax) > 1e-10)
856  && (std::abs(temp.xmin - xmin) / xmin > 1e-6 || std::abs(temp.xmax - xmax) / xmax > 1e-6)) {
857  throw ValueError(format("Current limits for x [%g,%g] do not agree with loaded limits [%g,%g]", xmin, xmax, temp.xmin, temp.xmax));
858  } else if ((std::abs(ymin) > 1e-10 && std::abs(ymax) > 1e-10)
859  && (std::abs(temp.ymin - ymin) / ymin > 1e-6 || std::abs(temp.ymax - ymax) / ymax > 1e-6)) {
860  throw ValueError(format("Current limits for y [%g,%g] do not agree with loaded limits [%g,%g]", ymin, ymax, temp.ymin, temp.ymax));
861  }
862  std::swap(*this, temp); // Swap
863  this->AS = temp.AS; // Reconnect the AbstractState pointer
864  };
865 };
868 {
869  public:
870  LogPTTable() {
871  xkey = iT;
872  ykey = iP;
873  logy = true;
874  logx = false;
875  xmin = _HUGE;
876  ymin = _HUGE;
877  xmax = _HUGE;
878  ymax = _HUGE;
879  };
880  void set_limits() {
881  if (this->AS.get() == NULL) {
882  throw ValueError("AS is not yet set");
883  }
884  CoolPropDbl Tmin = std::max(AS->Ttriple(), AS->Tmin());
885  AS->update(QT_INPUTS, 0, Tmin);
886  xmin = Tmin;
887  ymin = AS->p();
889  xmax = AS->Tmax() * 1.499;
890  ymax = AS->pmax();
891  }
892  void deserialize(msgpack::object& deserialized) {
893  LogPTTable temp;
894  deserialized.convert(temp);
895  temp.unpack();
896  if (Nx != temp.Nx || Ny != temp.Ny) {
897  throw ValueError(format("old [%dx%d] and new [%dx%d] dimensions don't agree", temp.Nx, temp.Ny, Nx, Ny));
898  } else if (revision > temp.revision) {
899  throw ValueError(format("loaded revision [%d] is older than current revision [%d]", temp.revision, revision));
900  } else if ((std::abs(xmin) > 1e-10 && std::abs(xmax) > 1e-10)
901  && (std::abs(temp.xmin - xmin) / xmin > 1e-6 || std::abs(temp.xmax - xmax) / xmax > 1e-6)) {
902  throw ValueError(format("Current limits for x [%g,%g] do not agree with loaded limits [%g,%g]", xmin, xmax, temp.xmin, temp.xmax));
903  } else if ((std::abs(ymin) > 1e-10 && std::abs(ymax) > 1e-10)
904  && (std::abs(temp.ymin - ymin) / ymin > 1e-6 || std::abs(temp.ymax - ymax) / ymax > 1e-6)) {
905  throw ValueError(format("Current limits for y [%g,%g] do not agree with loaded limits [%g,%g]", ymin, ymax, temp.ymin, temp.ymax));
906  }
907  std::swap(*this, temp); // Swap
908  this->AS = temp.AS; // Reconnect the AbstractState pointer
909  };
910 };
915 {
916  private:
917  std::size_t alt_i, alt_j;
918  bool _valid, _has_valid_neighbor;
920  public:
921  double dx_dxhat, dy_dyhat;
922  CellCoeffs() {
923  _valid = false;
924  _has_valid_neighbor = false;
925  dx_dxhat = _HUGE;
926  dy_dyhat = _HUGE;
927  alt_i = 9999999;
928  alt_j = 9999999;
929  }
930  std::vector<double> T, rhomolar, hmolar, p, smolar, umolar;
932  const std::vector<double>& get(const parameters params) const {
933  switch (params) {
934  case iT:
935  return T;
936  case iP:
937  return p;
938  case iDmolar:
939  return rhomolar;
940  case iHmolar:
941  return hmolar;
942  case iSmolar:
943  return smolar;
944  case iUmolar:
945  return umolar;
946  default:
947  throw KeyError(format("Invalid key to get() function of CellCoeffs"));
948  }
949  };
951  void set(parameters params, const std::vector<double>& mat) {
952  switch (params) {
953  case iT:
954  T = mat;
955  break;
956  case iP:
957  p = mat;
958  break;
959  case iDmolar:
960  rhomolar = mat;
961  break;
962  case iHmolar:
963  hmolar = mat;
964  break;
965  case iSmolar:
966  smolar = mat;
967  break;
968  case iUmolar:
969  umolar = mat;
970  break;
971  default:
972  throw KeyError(format("Invalid key to set() function of CellCoeffs"));
973  }
974  };
976  bool valid() const {
977  return _valid;
978  };
980  void set_valid() {
981  _valid = true;
982  };
984  void set_invalid() {
985  _valid = false;
986  };
988  void set_alternate(std::size_t i, std::size_t j) {
989  alt_i = i;
990  alt_j = j;
991  _has_valid_neighbor = true;
992  }
994  void get_alternate(std::size_t& i, std::size_t& j) const {
995  if (_has_valid_neighbor) {
996  i = alt_i;
997  j = alt_j;
998  } else {
999  throw ValueError("No valid neighbor");
1000  }
1001  }
1003  bool has_valid_neighbor() const {
1004  return _has_valid_neighbor;
1005  }
1006 };
1010 {
1011  public:
1012  bool tables_loaded;
1013  LogPHTable single_phase_logph;
1014  LogPTTable single_phase_logpT;
1015  PureFluidSaturationTableData pure_saturation;
1016  PackablePhaseEnvelopeData phase_envelope;
1017  std::vector<std::vector<CellCoeffs>> coeffs_ph, coeffs_pT;
1019  TabularDataSet() {
1020  tables_loaded = false;
1021  }
1023  void write_tables(const std::string& path_to_tables);
1025  void load_tables(const std::string& path_to_tables, shared_ptr<CoolProp::AbstractState>& AS);
1027  void build_tables(shared_ptr<CoolProp::AbstractState>& AS);
1029  void build_coeffs(SinglePhaseGriddedTableData& table, std::vector<std::vector<CellCoeffs>>& coeffs);
1030 };
1033 {
1034  private:
1035  std::map<std::string, TabularDataSet> data;
1037  public:
1038  TabularDataLibrary(){};
1039  std::string path_to_tables(shared_ptr<CoolProp::AbstractState>& AS) {
1040  std::vector<std::string> fluids = AS->fluid_names();
1041  std::vector<CoolPropDbl> fractions = AS->get_mole_fractions();
1042  std::vector<std::string> components;
1043  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < fluids.size(); ++i) {
1044  components.push_back(format("%s[%0.10Lf]", fluids[i].c_str(), fractions[i]));
1045  }
1046  std::string table_directory = get_home_dir() + "/.CoolProp/Tables/";
1047  std::string alt_table_directory = get_config_string(ALTERNATIVE_TABLES_DIRECTORY);
1048  if (!alt_table_directory.empty()) {
1049  table_directory = alt_table_directory;
1050  }
1051  return table_directory + AS->backend_name() + "(" + strjoin(components, "&") + ")";
1052  }
1054  TabularDataSet* get_set_of_tables(shared_ptr<AbstractState>& AS, bool& loaded);
1055 };
1064 {
1065  protected:
1066  phases imposed_phase_index;
1067  bool tables_loaded, using_single_phase_table, is_mixture;
1068  enum selected_table_options
1069  {
1073  };
1074  selected_table_options selected_table;
1075  std::size_t cached_single_phase_i, cached_single_phase_j;
1076  std::size_t cached_saturation_iL, cached_saturation_iV;
1077  std::vector<std::vector<double>> const* z;
1078  std::vector<std::vector<double>> const* dzdx;
1079  std::vector<std::vector<double>> const* dzdy;
1080  std::vector<std::vector<double>> const* d2zdx2;
1081  std::vector<std::vector<double>> const* d2zdxdy;
1082  std::vector<std::vector<double>> const* d2zdy2;
1083  std::vector<CoolPropDbl> mole_fractions;
1085  public:
1086  shared_ptr<CoolProp::AbstractState> AS;
1087  TabularBackend(shared_ptr<CoolProp::AbstractState> AS) : tables_loaded(false), using_single_phase_table(false), is_mixture(false), AS(AS) {
1088  selected_table = SELECTED_NO_TABLE;
1089  // Flush the cached indices (set to large number)
1090  cached_single_phase_i = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
1091  cached_single_phase_j = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
1092  cached_saturation_iL = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
1093  cached_saturation_iV = std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max();
1094  z = NULL;
1095  dzdx = NULL;
1096  dzdy = NULL;
1097  d2zdx2 = NULL;
1098  d2zdxdy = NULL;
1099  d2zdy2 = NULL;
1100  dataset = NULL;
1101  imposed_phase_index = iphase_not_imposed;
1102  };
1104  // None of the tabular methods are available from the high-level interface
1106  return false;
1107  }
1109  std::string calc_name(void) {
1110  return AS->name();
1111  }
1112  std::vector<std::string> calc_fluid_names(void) {
1113  return AS->fluid_names();
1114  }
1116  void connect_pointers(parameters output, const SinglePhaseGriddedTableData& table) {
1117  // Connect the pointers based on the output variable desired
1118  switch (output) {
1119  case iT:
1120  z = &table.T;
1121  dzdx = &table.dTdx;
1122  dzdy = &table.dTdy;
1123  d2zdxdy = &table.d2Tdxdy;
1124  d2zdx2 = &table.d2Tdx2;
1125  d2zdy2 = &table.d2Tdy2;
1126  break;
1127  case iDmolar:
1128  z = &table.rhomolar;
1129  dzdx = &table.drhomolardx;
1130  dzdy = &table.drhomolardy;
1131  d2zdxdy = &table.d2rhomolardxdy;
1132  d2zdx2 = &table.d2rhomolardx2;
1133  d2zdy2 = &table.d2rhomolardy2;
1134  break;
1135  case iSmolar:
1136  z = &table.smolar;
1137  dzdx = &table.dsmolardx;
1138  dzdy = &table.dsmolardy;
1139  d2zdxdy = &table.d2smolardxdy;
1140  d2zdx2 = &table.d2smolardx2;
1141  d2zdy2 = &table.d2smolardy2;
1142  break;
1143  case iHmolar:
1144  z = &table.hmolar;
1145  dzdx = &table.dhmolardx;
1146  dzdy = &table.dhmolardy;
1147  d2zdxdy = &table.d2hmolardxdy;
1148  d2zdx2 = &table.d2hmolardx2;
1149  d2zdy2 = &table.d2hmolardy2;
1150  break;
1151  case iUmolar:
1152  z = &table.umolar;
1153  dzdx = &table.dumolardx;
1154  dzdy = &table.dumolardy;
1155  d2zdxdy = &table.d2umolardxdy;
1156  d2zdx2 = &table.d2umolardx2;
1157  d2zdy2 = &table.d2umolardy2;
1158  break;
1159  case iviscosity:
1160  z = &table.visc;
1161  break;
1162  case iconductivity:
1163  z = &table.cond;
1164  break;
1165  default:
1166  throw ValueError();
1167  }
1168  }
1169  TabularDataSet* dataset;
1171  void recalculate_singlephase_phase() {
1172  if (p() > p_critical()) {
1173  if (T() > T_critical()) {
1174  _phase = iphase_supercritical;
1175  } else {
1176  _phase = iphase_supercritical_liquid;
1177  }
1178  } else {
1179  if (T() > T_critical()) {
1180  _phase = iphase_supercritical_gas;
1181  } else {
1182  // Liquid or vapor
1183  if (rhomolar() > rhomolar_critical()) {
1184  _phase = iphase_liquid;
1185  } else {
1186  _phase = iphase_gas;
1187  }
1188  }
1189  }
1190  }
1195  void calc_specify_phase(phases phase_index) {
1196  imposed_phase_index = phase_index;
1197  };
1202  imposed_phase_index = iphase_not_imposed;
1203  };
1205  virtual double evaluate_single_phase_phmolar(parameters output, std::size_t i, std::size_t j) = 0;
1206  virtual double evaluate_single_phase_pT(parameters output, std::size_t i, std::size_t j) = 0;
1207  virtual double evaluate_single_phase_phmolar_transport(parameters output, std::size_t i, std::size_t j) = 0;
1208  virtual double evaluate_single_phase_pT_transport(parameters output, std::size_t i, std::size_t j) = 0;
1209  virtual double evaluate_single_phase_phmolar_derivative(parameters output, std::size_t i, std::size_t j, std::size_t Nx, std::size_t Ny) = 0;
1210  virtual double evaluate_single_phase_pT_derivative(parameters output, std::size_t i, std::size_t j, std::size_t Nx, std::size_t Ny) = 0;
1213  virtual void find_native_nearest_good_indices(SinglePhaseGriddedTableData& table, const std::vector<std::vector<CellCoeffs>>& coeffs, double x,
1214  double y, std::size_t& i, std::size_t& j) = 0;
1216  virtual void find_nearest_neighbor(SinglePhaseGriddedTableData& table, const std::vector<std::vector<CellCoeffs>>& coeffs,
1217  const parameters variable1, const double value1, const parameters other, const double otherval, std::size_t& i,
1218  std::size_t& j) = 0;
1220  virtual void invert_single_phase_x(const SinglePhaseGriddedTableData& table, const std::vector<std::vector<CellCoeffs>>& coeffs,
1221  parameters output, double x, double y, std::size_t i, std::size_t j) = 0;
1223  virtual void invert_single_phase_y(const SinglePhaseGriddedTableData& table, const std::vector<std::vector<CellCoeffs>>& coeffs,
1224  parameters output, double x, double y, std::size_t i, std::size_t j) = 0;
1227  return _phase;
1228  }
1229  CoolPropDbl calc_T_critical(void) {
1230  return this->AS->T_critical();
1231  };
1232  CoolPropDbl calc_Ttriple(void) {
1233  return this->AS->Ttriple();
1234  };
1235  CoolPropDbl calc_p_triple(void) {
1236  return this->AS->p_triple();
1237  };
1238  CoolPropDbl calc_pmax(void) {
1239  return this->AS->pmax();
1240  };
1241  CoolPropDbl calc_Tmax(void) {
1242  return this->AS->Tmax();
1243  };
1244  CoolPropDbl calc_Tmin(void) {
1245  return this->AS->Tmin();
1246  };
1247  CoolPropDbl calc_p_critical(void) {
1248  return this->AS->p_critical();
1249  }
1250  CoolPropDbl calc_rhomolar_critical(void) {
1251  return this->AS->rhomolar_critical();
1252  }
1253  bool using_mole_fractions(void) {
1254  return true;
1255  }
1256  bool using_mass_fractions(void) {
1257  return false;
1258  }
1259  bool using_volu_fractions(void) {
1260  return false;
1261  }
1262  void update(CoolProp::input_pairs input_pair, double Value1, double Value2);
1263  void set_mole_fractions(const std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& mole_fractions) {
1264  this->AS->set_mole_fractions(mole_fractions);
1265  };
1266  void set_mass_fractions(const std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& mass_fractions) {
1267  throw NotImplementedError("set_mass_fractions not implemented for Tabular backends");
1268  };
1269  const std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& get_mole_fractions() {
1270  return AS->get_mole_fractions();
1271  };
1272  const std::vector<CoolPropDbl> calc_mass_fractions(void) {
1273  return AS->get_mass_fractions();
1274  };
1276  CoolPropDbl calc_molar_mass(void) {
1277  return AS->molar_mass();
1278  };
1280  CoolPropDbl calc_saturated_liquid_keyed_output(parameters key);
1281  CoolPropDbl calc_saturated_vapor_keyed_output(parameters key);
1284  std::string path_to_tables(void);
1286  void load_tables();
1287  void pack_matrices() {
1288  PackablePhaseEnvelopeData& phase_envelope = dataset->phase_envelope;
1289  PureFluidSaturationTableData& pure_saturation = dataset->pure_saturation;
1290  SinglePhaseGriddedTableData& single_phase_logph = dataset->single_phase_logph;
1291  SinglePhaseGriddedTableData& single_phase_logpT = dataset->single_phase_logpT;
1292  single_phase_logph.pack();
1293  single_phase_logpT.pack();
1294  pure_saturation.pack();
1295  phase_envelope.pack();
1296  }
1298  void write_tables();
1300  CoolPropDbl phase_envelope_sat(const PhaseEnvelopeData& env, parameters output, parameters iInput1, double value1) {
1301  const PhaseEnvelopeData& phase_envelope = dataset->phase_envelope;
1302  CoolPropDbl yL = PhaseEnvelopeRoutines::evaluate(phase_envelope, output, iInput1, value1, cached_saturation_iL);
1303  CoolPropDbl yV = PhaseEnvelopeRoutines::evaluate(phase_envelope, output, iInput1, value1, cached_saturation_iV);
1304  return _Q * yV + (1 - _Q) * yL;
1305  }
1306  CoolPropDbl calc_cpmolar_idealgas(void) {
1307  this->AS->set_T(_T);
1308  return this->AS->cp0molar();
1309  }
1311  CoolPropDbl calc_surface_tension(void) {
1312  this->AS->set_T(_T);
1313  return this->AS->surface_tension();
1314  this->AS->set_T(_HUGE);
1315  }
1316  CoolPropDbl calc_p(void);
1317  CoolPropDbl calc_T(void);
1318  CoolPropDbl calc_rhomolar(void);
1319  CoolPropDbl calc_hmolar(void);
1320  CoolPropDbl calc_smolar(void);
1321  CoolPropDbl calc_umolar(void);
1322  CoolPropDbl calc_cpmolar(void);
1323  CoolPropDbl calc_cvmolar(void);
1324  CoolPropDbl calc_viscosity(void);
1325  CoolPropDbl calc_conductivity(void);
1327  CoolPropDbl calc_speed_sound(void);
1328  CoolPropDbl calc_first_partial_deriv(parameters Of, parameters Wrt, parameters Constant);
1331  CoolPropDbl calc_first_saturation_deriv(parameters Of1, parameters Wrt1);
1332  CoolPropDbl calc_first_two_phase_deriv(parameters Of, parameters Wrt, parameters Constant);
1335  CoolPropDbl calc_first_two_phase_deriv_splined(parameters Of, parameters Wrt, parameters Constant, CoolPropDbl x_end);
1337  void check_tables() {
1338  if (!tables_loaded) {
1339  try {
1341  load_tables();
1342  // Set the flag saying tables have been successfully loaded
1343  tables_loaded = true;
1344  } catch (CoolProp::UnableToLoadError& e) {
1345  if (get_debug_level() > 0) {
1346  std::cout << format("Table loading failed with error: %s\n", e.what());
1347  }
1349  std::string table_path = path_to_tables();
1350 #if defined(__ISWINDOWS__)
1351  double directory_size_in_GB = CalculateDirSize(std::wstring(table_path.begin(), table_path.end())) / POW3(1024.0);
1352 #else
1353  double directory_size_in_GB = CalculateDirSize(table_path) / POW3(1024.0);
1354 #endif
1355  double allowed_size_in_GB = get_config_double(MAXIMUM_TABLE_DIRECTORY_SIZE_IN_GB);
1356  if (get_debug_level() > 0) {
1357  std::cout << "Tabular directory size is " << directory_size_in_GB << " GB\n";
1358  }
1359  if (directory_size_in_GB > 1.5 * allowed_size_in_GB) {
1360  throw DirectorySizeError(
1361  format("Maximum allowed tabular directory size is %g GB, you have exceeded 1.5 times this limit", allowed_size_in_GB));
1362  } else if (directory_size_in_GB > allowed_size_in_GB) {
1363  set_warning_string(format("Maximum allowed tabular directory size is %g GB, you have exceeded this limit", allowed_size_in_GB));
1364  }
1366  dataset->build_tables(this->AS);
1367  pack_matrices();
1368  write_tables();
1370  load_tables();
1371  // Set the flag saying tables have been successfully loaded
1372  tables_loaded = true;
1373  }
1374  }
1375  };
1376 };
1378 } /* namespace CoolProp*/
1380 #endif
Mass-based internal energy.
Definition: DataStructures.h:116
void pack()
Take all the vectors that are in the class and pack them into the vectors map for easy unpacking usin...
Definition: TabularBackends.h:387
void resize(std::size_t N)
Resize all the vectors.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:378
Supercritical liquid (p > pc, T < Tc)
Definition: DataStructures.h:181
This class holds the data for a two-phase table that is log spaced in p.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:224
std::vector< std::string > calc_fluid_names(void)
Using this backend, get a vector of fluid names.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1112
void calc_specify_phase(phases phase_index)
Specify the phase - this phase will always be used in calculations.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1195
void make_axis_vectors(void)
Make vectors for the x-axis values and the y-axis values.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:647
const std::vector< CoolPropDbl > & get_mole_fractions()
Get the mole fractions of the fluid.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1269
Molar density in mol/m^3, Temperature in K.
Definition: DataStructures.h:289
void unpack()
Take all the matrices that are in the class and pack them into the matrices map for easy unpacking us...
Definition: TabularBackends.h:700
void calc_unspecify_phase()
Unspecify the phase - the phase is no longer imposed, different solvers can do as they like...
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1201
Mass-based enthalpy.
Definition: DataStructures.h:111
void check_tables()
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1337
CoolPropDbl calc_Tmax(void)
Using this backend, calculate the maximum temperature in K.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1241
This structure holds the coefficients for one cell, the coefficients are stored in matrices and can b...
Definition: TabularBackends.h:914
Subcritical liquid.
Definition: DataStructures.h:178
Supercritical gas (p < pc, T > Tc)
Definition: DataStructures.h:180
double get_config_double(configuration_keys key)
Return the value of a double configuration key.
Definition: Configuration.cpp:92
CoolPropDbl calc_cpmolar_idealgas(void)
Using this backend, calculate the ideal gas molar constant-pressure specific heat in J/mol/K...
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1306
void make_good_neighbors(void)
Make matrices of good neighbors if the current value for i,j corresponds to a bad node...
Definition: TabularBackends.h:660
These are constants for the phases of the fluid.
Definition: DataStructures.h:176
This class contains the data for one set of Tabular data including single-phase and two-phase data...
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1009
void find_nearest_neighbor(parameters givenkey, double givenval, parameters otherkey, double otherval, std::size_t &i, std::size_t &j)
Find the nearest neighbor for one (given) variable native, one variable non-native.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:745
void resize(std::size_t Nx, std::size_t Ny)
Resize all the matrices.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:639
int get_debug_level()
Get the debug level.
Definition: CoolProp.cpp:64
Mass-based density.
Definition: DataStructures.h:110
void set_warning_string(const std::string &warning)
An internal function to set the global warning string.
Definition: CoolProp.cpp:72
std::string get_config_string(configuration_keys key)
Return the value of a string configuration key.
Definition: Configuration.cpp:95
std::vector< std::vector< double > > mat
This class implements bicubic interpolation, as very clearly laid out by the page on wikipedia: http:...
Definition: BicubicBackend.h:60
void set_invalid()
Call this function to set the valid flag to false.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:984
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1032
This class holds the single-phase data for a log(p)-T gridded table.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:867
bool available_in_high_level(void)
A function that says whether the backend instance can be instantiated in the high-level interface In ...
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1105
Mole-based constant-volume specific heat.
Definition: DataStructures.h:101
Pressure in Pa, Temperature in K.
Definition: DataStructures.h:286
The mother of all state classes.
Definition: AbstractState.h:78
CoolPropDbl calc_molar_mass(void)
Using this backend, calculate the molar mass in kg/mol.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1276
CoolPropDbl calc_T_critical(void)
Using this backend, get the critical point temperature in K.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1229
Isobaric expansion coefficient.
Definition: DataStructures.h:129
void pack()
Take all the matrices that are in the class and pack them into the matrices map for easy unpacking us...
Definition: TabularBackends.h:686
A data structure to hold the data for a phase envelope.
Definition: PhaseEnvelope.h:36
phases calc_phase(void)
Using this backend, calculate the phase.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1226
void build_tables(shared_ptr< CoolProp::AbstractState > &AS)
Build the tables (single-phase PH, single-phase PT, phase envelope, etc.)
Definition: TabularBackends.cpp:1280
CoolPropDbl calc_surface_tension(void)
Calculate the surface tension using the wrapped class (fast enough)
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1311
void get_alternate(std::size_t &i, std::size_t &j) const
Get neighboring(alternate) cell to be used if this cell is invalid.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:994
These are input pairs that can be used for the update function (in each pair, input keys are sorted a...
Definition: DataStructures.h:274
bool has_valid_neighbor() const
Returns true if cell is invalid and it has valid neighbor.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1003
Subcritical gas.
Definition: DataStructures.h:183
Definition: Exceptions.h:45
This class holds the data for a single-phase interpolation table that is regularly spaced...
Definition: TabularBackends.h:600
Mass-based constant-volume specific heat.
Definition: DataStructures.h:115
void set_valid()
Call this function to set the valid flag to true.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:980
Definition: TabularBackends.h:94
Molar quality, Temperature in K.
Definition: DataStructures.h:277
CoolPropDbl calc_pmax(void)
Using this backend, calculate the maximum pressure in Pa.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1238
Mass-based entropy.
Definition: DataStructures.h:112
Definition: DataStructures.h:121
std::string calc_name(void)
Using this backend, get the name of the fluid.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1109
Mole-based density.
Definition: DataStructures.h:96
This class holds the single-phase data for a log(p)-h gridded table.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:819
Mole-based constant-pressure specific heat.
Definition: DataStructures.h:99
Mole-based entropy.
Definition: DataStructures.h:98
CoolPropDbl calc_rhomolar_critical(void)
Using this backend, get the critical point molar density in mol/m^3.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1250
Definition: DataStructures.h:90
CoolPropDbl calc_Tmin(void)
Using this backend, calculate the minimum temperature in K.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1244
Speed of sound.
Definition: DataStructures.h:127
Isothermal compressibility.
Definition: DataStructures.h:128
CoolPropDbl calc_p_critical(void)
Using this backend, get the critical point pressure in Pa.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1247
void unpack()
Take all the vectors that are in the class and unpack them from the vectors map.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:401
void set_alternate(std::size_t i, std::size_t j)
Set the neighboring (alternate) cell to be used if the cell is invalid.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:988
bool valid() const
Returns true if the cell coefficients seem to have been calculated properly.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:976
void find_native_nearest_good_neighbor(double x, double y, std::size_t &i, std::size_t &j)
Find the nearest good neighbor node for inputs that are the same as the grid inputs If the straightfo...
Definition: TabularBackends.h:775
Thermal conductivity.
Definition: DataStructures.h:122
void pack()
Take all the vectors that are in the class and pack them into the vectors map for easy unpacking usin...
Definition: TabularBackends.h:119
Mole-based internal energy.
Definition: DataStructures.h:102
std::size_t ipsat_max
The index of the point corresponding to the maximum pressure for Type-I mixtures. ...
Definition: PhaseEnvelope.h:41
CoolPropDbl calc_Ttriple(void)
Using this backend, get the triple point temperature in K.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1232
CoolPropDbl calc_p_triple(void)
Using this backend, get the triple point pressure in Pa.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1235
std::size_t iTsat_max
The index of the point corresponding to the maximum temperature for Type-I mixtures.
Definition: PhaseEnvelope.h:41
double first_saturation_deriv(parameters Of1, parameters Wrt1, int Q, double val, std::size_t i)
Calculate the first derivative ALONG a saturation curve.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:536
This class contains the general code for tabular backends (TTSE, bicubic, etc.)
Definition: TabularBackends.h:1063
bool native_inputs_are_in_range(double x, double y)
Check that the native inputs (the inputs the table is based on) are in range.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:711
void unpack()
Take all the vectors that are in the class and unpack them from the vectors map.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:144
Supercritical (p > pc, T > Tc)
Definition: DataStructures.h:179
This file contains flash routines in which the state is unknown, and a solver of some kind must be us...
Definition: AbstractState.h:19
void mass_to_molar(parameters &param, double &conversion_factor, double molar_mass)
Get a conversion factor from mass to molar if needed.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:174
void find_native_nearest_good_cell(double x, double y, std::size_t &i, std::size_t &j)
Find the nearest cell with lower left coordinate (i,j) where (i,j) is a good node, and so are (i+1,j), (i,j+1), (i+1,j+1) This is needed for bicubic interpolation.
Definition: TabularBackends.h:790
Define some constants that will be used throughout These are constants for the input and output para...
Definition: DataStructures.h:64
Mole-based enthalpy.
Definition: DataStructures.h:97
Definition: DataStructures.h:89
Mass-based constant-pressure specific heat.
Definition: DataStructures.h:113
void find_native_nearest_neighbor(double x, double y, std::size_t &i, std::size_t &j)
Find the nearest neighbor for native inputs (the inputs the table is based on) Does not check whether...
Definition: TabularBackends.h:718
Vapor quality.
Definition: DataStructures.h:91