5 #include "HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.h"
7 namespace CoolProp {
9 namespace SaturationSolvers {
11 {
12  bool use_guesses;
13  CoolPropDbl omega, rhoL, rhoV, pL, pV;
14  saturation_T_pure_Akasaka_options(bool use_guesses = false)
15  : use_guesses(use_guesses), omega(_HUGE), rhoL(_HUGE), rhoV(_HUGE), pL(_HUGE), pV(_HUGE) {}
16 };
18 {
19  CoolPropDbl omega, rhoL, rhoV, pL, pV, p, T;
20  saturation_T_pure_options() : omega(_HUGE), rhoL(_HUGE), rhoV(_HUGE), pL(_HUGE), pV(_HUGE), p(_HUGE), T(_HUGE) {}
21 };
24 {
25  enum imposed_rho_options
26  {
29  };
30  bool use_guesses,
31  use_logdelta;
32  CoolPropDbl omega, rhoL, rhoV, pL, pV;
33  int imposed_rho;
34  int max_iterations;
35  saturation_D_pure_options() : use_guesses(false), rhoL(_HUGE), rhoV(_HUGE), pL(_HUGE), pV(_HUGE), imposed_rho(0), max_iterations(200) {
36  use_logdelta = true;
37  omega = 1.0;
38  } // Defaults
39 };
41 enum sstype_enum
42 {
43  imposed_T,
44  imposed_p
45 };
47 {
48  sstype_enum sstype;
49  int Nstep_max;
50  CoolPropDbl rhomolar_liq, rhomolar_vap, p, T, beta;
51  std::vector<CoolPropDbl> x, y, K;
52 };
63 static CoolPropDbl Wilson_lnK_factor(const HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend& HEOS, CoolPropDbl T, CoolPropDbl p, std::size_t i) {
64  const double pci = HEOS.get_fluid_constant(i, iP_critical);
65  const double Tci = HEOS.get_fluid_constant(i, iT_critical);
66  const double omegai = HEOS.get_fluid_constant(i, iacentric_factor);
67  return log(pci / p) + 5.373 * (1 + omegai) * (1 - Tci / T);
68 };
70 void saturation_D_pure(HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend& HEOS, CoolPropDbl rhomolar, saturation_D_pure_options& options);
71 void saturation_T_pure(HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend& HEOS, CoolPropDbl T, saturation_T_pure_options& options);
72 void saturation_T_pure_Akasaka(HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend& HEOS, CoolPropDbl T, saturation_T_pure_Akasaka_options& options);
73 void saturation_T_pure_Maxwell(HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend& HEOS, CoolPropDbl T, saturation_T_pure_Akasaka_options& options);
76 {
77  enum specified_variable_options
78  {
88  };
89  bool use_guesses,
90  use_logdelta;
91  specified_variable_options specified_variable;
92  CoolPropDbl omega, rhoL, rhoV, pL, pV, T, p;
93  saturation_PHSU_pure_options() : use_logdelta(true), rhoL(_HUGE), rhoV(_HUGE), pL(_HUGE), pV(_HUGE), T(_HUGE), p(_HUGE) {
94  specified_variable = IMPOSED_INVALID_INPUT;
95  use_guesses = true;
96  omega = 1.0;
97  }
98 };
100 #if !defined(NO_FMTLIB) && FMT_VERSION >= 90000
101 inline int format_as(saturation_PHSU_pure_options::specified_variable_options option) {
102  return fmt::underlying(option);
103 }
104 #endif
106 void saturation_PHSU_pure(HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend& HEOS, CoolPropDbl specified_value, saturation_PHSU_pure_options& options);
108 /* \brief This is a backup saturation_p solver for the case where the Newton solver cannot approach closely enough the solution
109  *
110  * This is especially a problem at low pressures where catastrophic truncation error occurs, especially in the saturated vapor side
111  *
112  * @param HEOS The Helmholtz EOS backend instance to be used
113  * @param p Imposed pressure in kPa
114  * @param options Options to be passed to the function (at least T, rhoL and rhoV must be provided)
115  */
116 void saturation_P_pure_1D_T(HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend& HEOS, CoolPropDbl p, saturation_PHSU_pure_options& options);
118 /* \brief This is a backup saturation_T solver for the case where the Newton solver cannot approach closely enough the solution
119  *
120  * This is especially a problem at low pressures where catastrophic truncation error occurs, especially in the saturated vapor side
121  *
122  * @param HEOS The Helmholtz EOS backend instance to be used
123  * @param T Imposed temperature in K
124  * @param options Options to be passed to the function (at least p, rhoL and rhoV must be provided)
125  */
126 void saturation_T_pure_1D_P(HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend& HEOS, CoolPropDbl T, saturation_T_pure_options& options);
128 /* \brief A robust but slow solver in the very-near-critical region
129  *
130  * This solver operates in the following fashion:
131  * 1. Using a bounded interval for rho'':[rhoc, rhoc-??], guess a value for rho''
132  * 2. For guessed value of rho'' and given value of T, calculate p
133  * 3. Using a Brent solver on the other co-existing phase (rho'), calculate the (bounded) value of rho' that yields the same pressure
134  * 4. Use another outer Brent solver on rho'' to enforce the same Gibbs function between liquid and vapor
135  * 5. Fin.
136  *
137  * @param HEOS The Helmholtz EOS backend instance to be used
138  * @param ykey The CoolProp::parameters key to be imposed - one of iT or iP
139  * @param y The value for the imposed variable
140  */
141 void saturation_critical(HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend& HEOS, CoolProp::parameters ykey, CoolPropDbl y);
143 void successive_substitution(HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend& HEOS, const CoolPropDbl beta, CoolPropDbl T, CoolPropDbl p,
144  const std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& z, std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& K, mixture_VLE_IO& options);
152 void x_and_y_from_K(CoolPropDbl beta, const std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& K, const std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& z, std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& x,
153  std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& y);
161 {
162  public:
163  sstype_enum input_type;
164  double T, p, beta;
165  const std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& z;
166  std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& K;
167  const HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend& HEOS;
169  WilsonK_resid(const HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend& HEOS, double beta, double imposed_value, sstype_enum input_type,
170  const std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& z, std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& K)
171  : input_type(input_type),
172  T(imposed_value),
173  p(imposed_value),
174  beta(beta),
175  z(z),
176  K(K),
177  HEOS(HEOS) {} // if input_type == imposed_T -> use T, else use p; init both
178  double call(double input_value) {
179  double summer = 0;
180  if (input_type == imposed_T) {
181  p = input_value; // Iterate on pressure
182  } else {
183  T = input_value; // Iterate on temperature, pressure imposed
184  }
185  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < z.size(); i++) {
186  K[i] = exp(Wilson_lnK_factor(HEOS, T, p, i));
187  summer += z[i] * (K[i] - 1) / (1 - beta + beta * K[i]);
188  }
189  return summer;
190  }
191 };
192 inline double saturation_preconditioner(HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend& HEOS, double input_value, sstype_enum input_type,
193  const std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& z) {
194  double ptriple = 0, pcrit = 0, Ttriple = 0, Tcrit = 0;
196  if (HEOS.get_components().empty()) {
197  return -1;
198  }
200  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < z.size(); i++) {
201  Tcrit += HEOS.get_fluid_constant(i, iT_critical) * z[i];
202  pcrit += HEOS.get_fluid_constant(i, iP_critical) * z[i];
203  Ttriple += HEOS.get_fluid_constant(i, iT_triple) * z[i];
204  ptriple += HEOS.get_fluid_constant(i, iP_triple) * z[i];
205  }
206  // Return an invalid number if either triple point temperature or pressure are not available
207  if (!ValidNumber(Ttriple) || !ValidNumber(ptriple)) {
208  return _HUGE;
209  }
211  if (input_type == imposed_T) {
212  return exp(log(pcrit / ptriple) / (Tcrit - Ttriple) * (input_value - Ttriple) + log(ptriple));
213  } else if (input_type == imposed_p) {
214  return 1 / (1 / Tcrit - (1 / Ttriple - 1 / Tcrit) / log(pcrit / ptriple) * log(input_value / pcrit));
215  } else {
216  throw ValueError();
217  }
218 }
246 inline double saturation_Wilson(HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend& HEOS, double beta, double input_value, sstype_enum input_type,
247  const std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& z, double guess) {
248  double out = 0;
249  std::string errstr;
251  // If T is input and beta = 0 or beta = 1, explicit solution for p is possible
252  if (input_type == imposed_T && (std::abs(beta) < 1e-12 || std::abs(beta - 1) < 1e-12)) {
253  const std::vector<double> z = HEOS.get_mole_fractions_ref();
254  bool beta0 = std::abs(beta) < 1e-12; // True is beta is approx. zero
255  for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(z.size()); ++i) {
256  double pci = HEOS.get_fluid_constant(i, iP_critical);
257  double Tci = HEOS.get_fluid_constant(i, iT_critical);
258  double omegai = HEOS.get_fluid_constant(i, iacentric_factor);
259  if (beta0) {
260  out += z[i] * pci * exp(5.373 * (1 + omegai) * (1 - Tci / input_value));
261  } else {
262  out += z[i] / (pci * exp(5.373 * (1 + omegai) * (1 - Tci / input_value)));
263  }
264  }
265  if (!beta0) { // beta = 1
266  out = 1 / out; // summation is for 1/p, take reciprocal to get p
267  }
268  std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& K = HEOS.get_K();
269  for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(z.size()); ++i) {
270  double pci = HEOS.get_fluid_constant(i, iP_critical);
271  double Tci = HEOS.get_fluid_constant(i, iT_critical);
272  double omegai = HEOS.get_fluid_constant(i, iacentric_factor);
273  K[i] = pci / out * exp(5.373 * (1 + omegai) * (1 - Tci / input_value));
274  }
275  } else {
276  // Find first guess for output variable using Wilson K-factors
277  WilsonK_resid Resid(HEOS, beta, input_value, input_type, z, HEOS.get_K());
278  if (guess < 0 || !ValidNumber(guess))
279  out = Brent(Resid, 50, 10000, 1e-10, 1e-10, 100);
280  else
281  out = Secant(Resid, guess, 0.001, 1e-10, 100);
282  if (!ValidNumber(out)) {
283  throw ValueError("saturation_p_Wilson failed to get good output value");
284  }
285  }
286  return out;
287 }
289 {
290  CoolPropDbl T, p;
291 };
294 {
295  enum imposed_variable_options
296  {
300  };
301  int Nstep_max;
302  std::size_t Nsteps;
303  CoolPropDbl beta, omega, rhomolar_liq, rhomolar_vap, pL, pV, p, T, hmolar_liq, hmolar_vap, smolar_liq, smolar_vap;
304  imposed_variable_options imposed_variable;
305  std::vector<CoolPropDbl> x, y, z;
307  : Nstep_max(30),
308  Nsteps(0),
309  beta(-1),
310  omega(1),
311  rhomolar_liq(_HUGE),
312  rhomolar_vap(_HUGE),
313  pL(_HUGE),
314  pV(_HUGE),
315  p(_HUGE),
316  T(_HUGE),
317  hmolar_liq(_HUGE),
318  hmolar_vap(_HUGE),
319  smolar_liq(_HUGE),
320  smolar_vap(_HUGE),
321  imposed_variable(NO_VARIABLE_IMPOSED) {} // Defaults
322 };
355 {
356  public:
358  newton_raphson_twophase_options::imposed_variable_options imposed_variable;
359  CoolPropDbl error_rms, rhomolar_liq, rhomolar_vap, T, p, min_rel_change, beta;
360  std::size_t N;
361  bool logging;
362  int Nsteps;
363  Eigen::MatrixXd J;
364  Eigen::Vector2d r, err_rel;
365  std::vector<CoolPropDbl> K, x, y, z;
366  std::vector<SuccessiveSubstitutionStep> step_logger;
369  : HEOS(NULL),
370  imposed_variable(newton_raphson_twophase_options::NO_VARIABLE_IMPOSED),
371  error_rms(_HUGE),
372  rhomolar_liq(_HUGE),
373  rhomolar_vap(_HUGE),
374  T(_HUGE),
375  p(_HUGE),
376  min_rel_change(_HUGE),
377  beta(_HUGE),
378  N(0),
379  logging(false),
380  Nsteps(0){};
382  void resize(unsigned int N);
384  // Reset the state of all the internal variables
385  void pre_call() {
386  K.clear();
387  x.clear();
388  y.clear();
389  step_logger.clear();
390  error_rms = 1e99;
391  Nsteps = 0;
392  rhomolar_liq = _HUGE;
393  rhomolar_vap = _HUGE;
394  T = _HUGE;
395  p = _HUGE;
396  };
409  /* \brief Build the arrays for the Newton-Raphson solve
410  *
411  */
412  void build_arrays();
413 };
416 {
417  enum imposed_variable_options
418  {
423  };
424  int Nstep_max;
425  bool bubble_point;
426  std::size_t Nsteps;
427  CoolPropDbl omega, rhomolar_liq, rhomolar_vap, pL, pV, p, T, hmolar_liq, hmolar_vap, smolar_liq, smolar_vap;
428  imposed_variable_options imposed_variable;
429  std::vector<CoolPropDbl> x, y;
431  : bubble_point(false),
432  omega(_HUGE),
433  rhomolar_liq(_HUGE),
434  rhomolar_vap(_HUGE),
435  pL(_HUGE),
436  pV(_HUGE),
437  p(_HUGE),
438  T(_HUGE),
439  hmolar_liq(_HUGE),
440  hmolar_vap(_HUGE),
441  smolar_liq(_HUGE),
442  smolar_vap(_HUGE),
443  imposed_variable(NO_VARIABLE_IMPOSED) {
444  Nstep_max = 30;
445  Nsteps = 0;
446  } // Defaults
447 };
477 {
478  public:
479  newton_raphson_saturation_options::imposed_variable_options imposed_variable;
480  CoolPropDbl error_rms, rhomolar_liq, rhomolar_vap, T, p, min_rel_change;
481  std::size_t N;
482  bool logging;
483  bool bubble_point;
484  int Nsteps;
485  Eigen::MatrixXd J;
487  CoolPropDbl dTsat_dPsat, dPsat_dTsat;
488  std::vector<CoolPropDbl> K, x, y;
489  Eigen::VectorXd r, err_rel;
490  std::vector<SuccessiveSubstitutionStep> step_logger;
494  void resize(std::size_t N);
496  // Reset the state of all the internal variables
497  void pre_call() {
498  step_logger.clear();
499  error_rms = 1e99;
500  Nsteps = 0;
501  rhomolar_liq = _HUGE;
502  rhomolar_vap = _HUGE;
503  T = _HUGE;
504  p = _HUGE;
505  };
518  void call(HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend& HEOS, const std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& z, std::vector<CoolPropDbl>& z_incipient,
526  void build_arrays();
530  void check_Jacobian();
531 };
534 {
535  int Nstep_max;
536  std::size_t Nsteps;
537  CoolPropDbl omega, rhomolar_liq, rhomolar_vap, pL, pV, p, T;
538  std::vector<CoolPropDbl> x,
539  y,
540  z;
541  PTflash_twophase_options() : omega(_HUGE), rhomolar_liq(_HUGE), rhomolar_vap(_HUGE), pL(_HUGE), pV(_HUGE), p(_HUGE), T(_HUGE) {
542  Nstep_max = 30;
543  Nsteps = 0; // Defaults
544  }
545 };
548 {
549  public:
550  double error_rms;
551  bool logging;
552  int Nsteps;
553  Eigen::MatrixXd J;
554  Eigen::VectorXd r, err_rel;
557  std::vector<SuccessiveSubstitutionStep> step_logger;
559  PTflash_twophase(HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend& HEOS, PTflash_twophase_options& IO) : HEOS(HEOS), IO(IO){};
568  void solve();
575  void build_arrays();
576 };
577 }; // namespace SaturationSolvers
579 namespace StabilityRoutines {
585 {
586  protected:
588  std::vector<double> lnK, K, K0, x, y, xL, xH;
589  const std::vector<double>& z;
590  double rhomolar_liq, rhomolar_vap, beta, tpd_liq, tpd_vap, DELTAG_nRT;
591  double m_T,
592  m_p;
593  private:
594  bool _stable;
595  bool debug;
597  public:
599  : HEOS(HEOS),
600  z(HEOS.get_mole_fractions_doubleref()),
601  rhomolar_liq(-1),
602  rhomolar_vap(-1),
603  beta(-1),
604  tpd_liq(10000),
605  tpd_vap(100000),
606  DELTAG_nRT(10000),
607  m_T(-1),
608  m_p(-1),
609  _stable(false),
610  debug(false){};
613  void set_TP(double T, double p) {
614  m_T = T;
615  m_p = p;
616  };
619  void rho_TP_w_guesses();
622  void rho_TP_global();
625  void rho_TP_SRK_translated();
629  void trial_compositions();
632  void successive_substitution(int num_steps);
637  void check_stability();
640  bool is_stable() {
641  trial_compositions();
642  successive_substitution(3);
643  check_stability();
644  return _stable;
645  }
647  void get_liq(std::vector<double>& x, double& rhomolar) {
648  x = this->x;
649  rhomolar = rhomolar_liq;
650  }
652  void get_vap(std::vector<double>& y, double& rhomolar) {
653  y = this->y;
654  rhomolar = rhomolar_vap;
655  }
656 };
658 }; /* namespace StabilityRoutines*/
660 }; /* namespace CoolProp*/
662 #endif
virtual const double get_fluid_constant(std::size_t i, parameters param) const
Get a constant for one of the fluids forming this mixture.
Definition: HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.h:264
Temperature at the critical point.
Definition: DataStructures.h:75
void set_TP(double T, double p)
Specify T&P, otherwise they are loaded the HEOS instance.
Definition: VLERoutines.h:613
Pressure at the critical point.
Definition: DataStructures.h:78
A class to do newton raphson solver for mixture VLE for p,Q or T,Q.
Definition: VLERoutines.h:354
Definition: VLERoutines.h:160
Definition: Exceptions.h:45
Evaluate phase stability Based on the work of Gernert et al., J.
Definition: VLERoutines.h:584
Triple point temperature.
Definition: DataStructures.h:80
double Brent(FuncWrapper1D *f, double a, double b, double macheps, double t, int maxiter)
This function implements a 1-D bounded solver using the algorithm from Brent, R.
Definition: Solvers.cpp:492
Acentric factor.
Definition: DataStructures.h:71
bool use_guesses
true to start off at the values specified by rhoL, rhoV
Definition: VLERoutines.h:12
double m_T
The temperature to be used (if specified, otherwise that from HEOS)
Definition: VLERoutines.h:591
bool use_logdelta
True to use partials with respect to log(delta) rather than delta.
Definition: VLERoutines.h:89
std::vector< CoolPropDbl > z
Bulk mole fractions.
Definition: VLERoutines.h:538
Definition: Solvers.h:17
A class to do newton raphson solver mixture bubble point and dew point calculations.
Definition: VLERoutines.h:476
Definition: HelmholtzEOSMixtureBackend.h:58
Triple point pressure.
Definition: DataStructures.h:81
bool is_stable()
Return best estimate for the stability of the point.
Definition: VLERoutines.h:640
This file contains flash routines in which the state is unknown, and a solver of some kind must be us...
Definition: AbstractState.h:19
Define some constants that will be used throughout These are constants for the input and output para...
Definition: DataStructures.h:64
bool use_logdelta
True to use partials with respect to log(delta) rather than delta.
Definition: VLERoutines.h:30
double Secant(FuncWrapper1D *f, double x0, double dx, double ftol, int maxiter)
In the secant function, a 1-D Newton-Raphson solver is implemented.
Definition: Solvers.cpp:273