caf::error Member List

This is the complete list of members for caf::error, including all inherited members.

category() const noexceptcaf::errorinline
code() const noexceptcaf::errorinline
compare(const error &) const noexcept (defined in caf::error)caf::error
compare(uint8_t code, type_id_t category) const noexcept (defined in caf::error)caf::error
context() const noexceptcaf::errorinline
empty() const noexceptcaf::errorinline
error() noexcept=default (defined in caf::error)caf::error
error(none_t) noexcept (defined in caf::error)caf::error
error(error &&) noexcept=default (defined in caf::error)caf::error
error(const error &) (defined in caf::error)caf::error
error(Enum code) (defined in caf::error)caf::errorinline
error(Enum code, message context) (defined in caf::error)caf::errorinline
error(Enum code, std::string msg) (defined in caf::error)caf::errorinline
error(error_code< Enum > code) (defined in caf::error)caf::errorinline
inspect (defined in caf::error)caf::errorfriend
make_error(Enum code)caf::errorrelated
make_error(Enum code, T &&x, Ts &&... xs)caf::errorrelated
operator bool() const noexceptcaf::errorinlineexplicit
operator!() const noexceptcaf::errorinline
operator!=(const error &x, none_t)caf::errorrelated
operator!=(none_t, const error &x)caf::errorrelated
operator!=(const error &x, Enum y)caf::errorrelated
operator!=(Enum x, const error &y)caf::errorrelated
operator=(error &&) noexcept=default (defined in caf::error)caf::error
operator=(const error &) (defined in caf::error)caf::error
operator=(E error_value) (defined in caf::error)caf::errorinline
operator=(error_code< E > code) (defined in caf::error)caf::errorinline
operator==(const error &x, none_t)caf::errorrelated
operator==(none_t, const error &x)caf::errorrelated
operator==(const error &x, Enum y)caf::errorrelated
operator==(Enum x, const error &y)caf::errorrelated
or_else(Enum code, Ts &&... args) const &caf::errorinline
or_else(Enum code, Ts &&... args) &&caf::errorinline
reset() noexceptcaf::errorinline
to_string(const error &x)caf::errorrelated
what() const noexceptcaf::error