Public Member Functions | List of all members
TranslatorSerbian Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for TranslatorSerbian:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for TranslatorSerbian:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

QCString idLanguage () override
QCString latexLanguageSupportCommand () override
QCString trISOLang () override
QCString getLanguageString () override
 language codes for Html help More...
QCString trRelatedFunctions () override
 Čini se da je ovako manje loše nego "Povezane funkcije", što uopšte ne izgleda dobro jer ta kartica sadrži prijatelje i globalne funkcije. More...
QCString trRelatedSubscript () override
QCString trDetailedDescription () override
QCString trDetails () override
QCString trMemberTypedefDocumentation () override
QCString trMemberEnumerationDocumentation () override
 Ovo je u skladu sa "unutrašnja klasa" što se može videti u knjizi. More...
QCString trMemberFunctionDocumentation () override
QCString trMemberDataDocumentation () override
QCString trMore () override
QCString trListOfAllMembers () override
QCString trMemberList () override
QCString trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers () override
QCString trIncludingInheritedMembers () override
QCString trGeneratedAutomatically (const QCString &s) override
QCString trEnumName () override
QCString trEnumValue () override
QCString trDefinedIn () override
QCString trModules () override
QCString trClassHierarchy () override
QCString trCompoundList () override
QCString trFileList () override
QCString trCompoundMembers () override
QCString trFileMembers () override
QCString trRelatedPages () override
QCString trExamples () override
QCString trSearch () override
QCString trClassHierarchyDescription () override
QCString trFileListDescription (bool extractAll) override
QCString trCompoundListDescription () override
QCString trCompoundMembersDescription (bool extractAll) override
QCString trFileMembersDescription (bool extractAll) override
QCString trExamplesDescription () override
QCString trRelatedPagesDescription () override
QCString trModulesDescription () override
QCString trDocumentation (const QCString &projName) override
QCString trModuleIndex () override
QCString trHierarchicalIndex () override
QCString trCompoundIndex () override
QCString trFileIndex () override
QCString trModuleDocumentation () override
QCString trClassDocumentation () override
QCString trFileDocumentation () override
QCString trReferenceManual () override
QCString trDefines () override
QCString trTypedefs () override
QCString trEnumerations () override
QCString trFunctions () override
QCString trVariables () override
QCString trEnumerationValues () override
QCString trDefineDocumentation () override
QCString trTypedefDocumentation () override
QCString trEnumerationTypeDocumentation () override
QCString trFunctionDocumentation () override
QCString trVariableDocumentation () override
QCString trCompounds () override
QCString trGeneratedAt (const QCString &date, const QCString &projName) override
QCString trClassDiagram (const QCString &clName) override
QCString trWarning () override
QCString trVersion () override
QCString trDate () override
QCString trReturns () override
QCString trSeeAlso () override
QCString trParameters () override
QCString trExceptions () override
QCString trGeneratedBy () override
QCString trNamespaceList () override
QCString trNamespaceListDescription (bool extractAll) override
QCString trFriends () override
QCString trRelatedFunctionDocumentation () override
QCString trCompoundReference (const QCString &clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isTemplate) override
QCString trFileReference (const QCString &fileName) override
QCString trNamespaceReference (const QCString &namespaceName) override
QCString trPublicMembers () override
QCString trPublicSlots () override
QCString trSignals () override
QCString trStaticPublicMembers () override
QCString trProtectedMembers () override
QCString trProtectedSlots () override
QCString trStaticProtectedMembers () override
QCString trPrivateMembers () override
QCString trPrivateSlots () override
QCString trStaticPrivateMembers () override
QCString trWriteList (int numEntries) override
QCString trInheritsList (int) override
QCString trInheritedByList (int) override
QCString trReimplementedFromList (int numEntries) override
QCString trReimplementedInList (int numEntries) override
QCString trNamespaceMembers () override
QCString trNamespaceMemberDescription (bool extractAll) override
QCString trNamespaceIndex () override
QCString trNamespaceDocumentation () override
QCString trNamespaces () override
QCString trGeneratedFromFiles (ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool single) override
QCString trReturnValues () override
QCString trMainPage () override
QCString trPageAbbreviation () override
QCString trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile () override
QCString trDefinedInSourceFile () override
QCString trDeprecated () override
QCString trCollaborationDiagram (const QCString &clName) override
QCString trInclDepGraph (const QCString &fName) override
QCString trConstructorDocumentation () override
QCString trGotoSourceCode () override
QCString trGotoDocumentation () override
QCString trPrecondition () override
QCString trPostcondition () override
QCString trInvariant () override
QCString trInitialValue () override
QCString trCode () override
QCString trGraphicalHierarchy () override
QCString trGotoGraphicalHierarchy () override
QCString trGotoTextualHierarchy () override
QCString trPageIndex () override
QCString trNote () override
QCString trPublicTypes () override
QCString trPublicAttribs () override
QCString trStaticPublicAttribs () override
QCString trProtectedTypes () override
QCString trProtectedAttribs () override
QCString trStaticProtectedAttribs () override
QCString trPrivateTypes () override
QCString trPrivateAttribs () override
QCString trStaticPrivateAttribs () override
QCString trTodo () override
QCString trTodoList () override
QCString trReferencedBy () override
QCString trRemarks () override
QCString trAttention () override
QCString trInclByDepGraph () override
QCString trSince () override
QCString trLegendTitle () override
QCString trLegendDocs () override
QCString trLegend () override
QCString trTest () override
QCString trTestList () override
QCString trProperties () override
QCString trPropertyDocumentation () override
QCString trClasses () override
QCString trPackage (const QCString &name) override
QCString trPackageListDescription () override
QCString trPackages () override
QCString trDefineValue () override
QCString trBug () override
QCString trBugList () override
QCString trRTFansicp () override
QCString trRTFCharSet () override
QCString trRTFGeneralIndex () override
QCString trClass (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trFile (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trNamespace (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trGroup (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trPage (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trMember (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trGlobal (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trAuthor (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trReferences () override
QCString trImplementedFromList (int) override
QCString trImplementedInList (int) override
QCString trRTFTableOfContents () override
QCString trDeprecatedList () override
QCString trEvents () override
QCString trEventDocumentation () override
QCString trPackageTypes () override
QCString trPackageFunctions () override
QCString trPackageMembers () override
QCString trStaticPackageFunctions () override
QCString trPackageAttribs () override
QCString trStaticPackageAttribs () override
QCString trAll () override
QCString trCallGraph () override
QCString trSearchResultsTitle () override
QCString trSearchResults (int numDocuments) override
QCString trSearchMatches () override
QCString trSourceFile (const QCString &filename) override
QCString trDirIndex () override
QCString trDirDocumentation () override
QCString trDirectories () override
QCString trDirReference (const QCString &dirName) override
QCString trDir (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trOverloadText () override
QCString trCallerGraph () override
QCString trEnumerationValueDocumentation () override
QCString trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran () override
QCString trCompoundListFortran () override
QCString trCompoundMembersFortran () override
QCString trCompoundListDescriptionFortran () override
QCString trCompoundMembersDescriptionFortran (bool extractAll) override
QCString trCompoundIndexFortran () override
QCString trTypeDocumentation () override
QCString trSubprograms () override
QCString trSubprogramDocumentation () override
QCString trDataTypes () override
QCString trModulesList () override
QCString trModulesListDescription (bool extractAll) override
QCString trCompoundReferenceFortran (const QCString &clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isTemplate) override
QCString trModuleReference (const QCString &namespaceName) override
QCString trModulesMembers () override
QCString trModulesMemberDescription (bool extractAll) override
QCString trModulesIndex () override
QCString trModule (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trGeneratedFromFilesFortran (ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool single) override
QCString trType (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trSubprogram (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trTypeConstraints () override
QCString trInterfaces () override
QCString trDayOfWeek (int dayOfWeek, bool first_capital, bool full) override
QCString trMonth (int month, bool first_capital, bool full) override
QCString trDayPeriod (bool period) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0
QCString updateNeededMessage () override
QCString trDirRelation (const QCString &name) override
QCString trLoading () override
QCString trGlobalNamespace () override
QCString trSearching () override
QCString trNoMatches () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_7_5
QCString trCiteReferences () override
QCString trCopyright () override
QCString trDirDepGraph (const QCString &name) override
QCString trFileIn (const QCString &name) override
QCString trIncludesFileIn (const QCString &name) override
QCString trDateTime (int year, int month, int day, int dayOfWeek, int hour, int minutes, int seconds, DateTimeType includeTime) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_8_0
QCString trDetailLevel () override
QCString trTemplateParameters () override
QCString trAndMore (const QCString &number) override
QCString trEnumGeneratedFromFiles (bool single) override
QCString trEnumReference (const QCString &name) override
QCString trInheritedFrom (const QCString &members, const QCString &what) override
QCString trAdditionalInheritedMembers () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_8_2
QCString trPanelSynchronisationTooltip (bool enable) override
QCString trProvidedByCategory () override
QCString trExtendsClass () override
QCString trClassMethods () override
QCString trInstanceMethods () override
QCString trMethodDocumentation () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_8_4
QCString trServices () override
QCString trConstantGroups () override
QCString trConstantGroupReference (const QCString &namespaceName) override
QCString trServiceReference (const QCString &sName) override
QCString trSingletonReference (const QCString &sName) override
QCString trServiceGeneratedFromFiles (bool single) override
QCString trSingletonGeneratedFromFiles (bool single) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_8_15
QCString trDesignUnitHierarchy () override
QCString trDesignUnitList () override
QCString trDesignUnitMembers () override
QCString trDesignUnitListDescription () override
QCString trDesignUnitIndex () override
QCString trDesignUnits () override
QCString trFunctionAndProc () override
QCString trVhdlType (VhdlSpecifier type, bool single) override
QCString trCustomReference (const QCString &name) override
QCString trConstants () override
QCString trConstantDocumentation () override
QCString trSequences () override
QCString trSequenceDocumentation () override
QCString trDictionaries () override
QCString trDictionaryDocumentation () override
QCString trSliceInterfaces () override
QCString trInterfaceIndex () override
QCString trInterfaceList () override
QCString trInterfaceListDescription () override
QCString trInterfaceHierarchy () override
QCString trInterfaceHierarchyDescription () override
QCString trInterfaceDocumentation () override
QCString trStructs () override
QCString trStructIndex () override
QCString trStructList () override
QCString trStructListDescription () override
QCString trStructDocumentation () override
QCString trExceptionIndex () override
QCString trExceptionList () override
QCString trExceptionListDescription () override
QCString trExceptionHierarchy () override
QCString trExceptionHierarchyDescription () override
QCString trExceptionDocumentation () override
QCString trCompoundReferenceSlice (const QCString &clName, ClassDef::CompoundType compType, bool isLocal) override
QCString trOperations () override
QCString trOperationDocumentation () override
QCString trDataMembers () override
QCString trDataMemberDocumentation () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_8_19
QCString trDesignUnitDocumentation () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_9_2
QCString trConcept (bool first_capital, bool singular) override
QCString trConceptReference (const QCString &conceptName) override
QCString trConceptList () override
QCString trConceptIndex () override
QCString trConceptDocumentation () override
QCString trConceptListDescription (bool extractAll) override
QCString trConceptDefinition () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_9_4
QCString trPackageList () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_9_5
QCString trFlowchart () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_9_6
QCString trRelatedSymbols () override
QCString trRelatedSymbolsSubscript () override
QCString trRelatedSymbolDocumentation () override
QCString trCompoundType (ClassDef::CompoundType compType, SrcLangExt lang) override
QCString trFileMembersDescriptionTotal (FileMemberHighlight::Enum hl) override
QCString trCompoundMembersDescriptionTotal (ClassMemberHighlight::Enum hl) override
QCString trNamespaceMembersDescriptionTotal (NamespaceMemberHighlight::Enum hl) override
QCString trDefinition () override
QCString trDeclaration () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_9_8
QCString trTopics () override
QCString trTopicDocumentation () override
QCString trTopicList () override
QCString trTopicIndex () override
QCString trTopicListDescription () override
QCString trModuleMembersDescriptionTotal (ModuleMemberHighlight::Enum hl) override
QCString trExportedModules () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_10_0
QCString trCopyToClipboard () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapter_1_11_0
QCString trImportant () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from Translator
virtual QCString latexFontenc ()
virtual QCString latexFont ()
virtual QCString latexDocumentPre ()
virtual QCString latexDocumentPost ()
virtual QCString latexCommandName ()
virtual bool needsPunctuation ()
 add punctuation at the end of a brief description when needed and supported by the language

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from TranslatorAdapterBase
QCString createUpdateNeededMessage (const QCString &languageName, const QCString &versionString)
- Protected Attributes inherited from TranslatorAdapterBase
TranslatorEnglish english

Member Function Documentation

◆ getLanguageString()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::getLanguageString ( )

language codes for Html help

 0x402 Bulgarian
 0x405 Czech
 0x406 Danish
 0x413 Dutch
 0xC09 English (Australia)
 0x809 English (Britain)
 0x1009 English (Canada)
 0x1809 English (Ireland)
 0x1409 English (New Zealand)
 0x1C09 English (South Africa)
 0x409 English (United States)
 0x40B Finnish
 0x40C French
 0x407 German
 0x408 Greece
 0x439 Hindi
 0x40E Hungarian
 0x410 Italian
 0x814 Norwegian
 0x415 Polish
 0x816 Portuguese(Portugal)
 0x416 Portuguese(Brazil)
 0x419 Russian
 0x80A Spanish(Mexico)
 0xC0A Spanish(Modern Sort)
 0x40A Spanish(Traditional Sort)
 0x41D Swedish
 0x41F Turkey
 0x411 Japanese
 0x412 Korean
 0x804 Chinese (PRC)
 0x404 Chinese (Taiwan)

New LCIDs:

 0x421 Indonesian
 0x41A Croatian
 0x418 Romanian
 0x424 Slovenian
 0x41B Slovak
 0x422 Ukrainian
 0x81A Serbian (Serbia, Latin)
 0x403 Catalan
 0x426 Latvian
 0x427 Lithuanian
 0x436 Afrikaans
 0x42A Vietnamese
 0x429 Persian (Iran)
 0xC01 Arabic (Egypt) - I don't know which version of arabic is used inside translator_ar.h ,
       so I have chosen Egypt at random

Code for Esperanto should be as shown below but the htmlhelp compiler 1.3 does not support this (and no newer version is available).

0x48f Esperanto

So do a fallback to the default language

0x409 English (United States)
0xC1A Serbian (Serbia, Cyrillic)

Implements Translator.

◆ idLanguage()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::idLanguage ( )

Used for identification of the language. The identification should not be translated. It should be replaced by the name of the language in English using lower-case characters only (e.g. "czech", "japanese", "russian", etc.). It should be equal to the identification used in language.cpp.

Implements Translator.

◆ latexLanguageSupportCommand()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::latexLanguageSupportCommand ( )

Used to get the LaTeX command(s) for the language support. This method should return string with commands that switch LaTeX to the desired language. For example




The English LaTeX does not use such commands. Because of this the empty string is returned in this implementation.

Implements Translator.

◆ trAll()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trAll ( )

Used in the quick index of a class/file/namespace member list page to link to the unfiltered list of all members.

Implements Translator.

◆ trAuthor()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trAuthor ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This text is generated when the \author command is used and for the author section in man pages.

Implements Translator.

◆ trBug()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trBug ( )

Used as a marker that is put before a \bug item

Implements Translator.

◆ trBugList()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trBugList ( )

Used as the header of the bug list

Implements Translator.

◆ trCallerGraph()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCallerGraph ( )

This is used to introduce a caller (or called-by) graph

Možda je bolje "Graf pozivalaca ove funkcije"

Implements Translator.

◆ trCallGraph()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCallGraph ( )

Put in front of the call graph for a function.

Implements Translator.

◆ trClass()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trClass ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

◆ trClassDiagram()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trClassDiagram ( const QCString clName)

this text is put before a class diagram

Implements Translator.

◆ trClassDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trClassDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all classes, structs and unions.

Implements Translator.

◆ trClasses()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trClasses ( )

Used for Java classes in the summary section of Java packages

Implements Translator.

◆ trClassHierarchy()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trClassHierarchy ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the class hierarchy

Implements Translator.

◆ trClassHierarchyDescription()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trClassHierarchyDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the class hierarchy.

Implements Translator.

◆ trCode()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCode ( )

Text used the source code in the file index

Implements Translator.

◆ trCollaborationDiagram()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCollaborationDiagram ( const QCString clName)

this text is put before a collaboration diagram

Implements Translator.

◆ trCompoundIndex()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCompoundIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the annotated compound index.

Implements Translator.

◆ trCompoundIndexFortran()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCompoundIndexFortran ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the annotated compound index (Fortran).

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trCompoundList()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCompoundList ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the list of annotated classes

Implements Translator.

◆ trCompoundListDescription()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCompoundListDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the annotated compound list.

Implements Translator.

◆ trCompoundListDescriptionFortran()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCompoundListDescriptionFortran ( )

This is an introduction to the annotated compound list (Fortran).

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trCompoundListFortran()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCompoundListFortran ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the list of annotated data types (Fortran).

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trCompoundMembers()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCompoundMembers ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of compounds.

Implements Translator.

◆ trCompoundMembersDescription()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCompoundMembersDescription ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all class members.

Implements Translator.

◆ trCompoundMembersDescriptionFortran()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCompoundMembersDescriptionFortran ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all data types (Fortran).

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trCompoundMembersFortran()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCompoundMembersFortran ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of compounds (Fortran).

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trCompoundReference()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCompoundReference ( const QCString clName,
ClassDef::CompoundType  compType,
bool  isTemplate 

used as the title of the HTML page of a class/struct/union

Implements Translator.

◆ trCompoundReferenceFortran()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCompoundReferenceFortran ( const QCString clName,
ClassDef::CompoundType  compType,
bool  isTemplate 

used as the title of the HTML page of a module/type (Fortran)

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trCompounds()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trCompounds ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace/group before the list of links to documented compounds

Implements Translator.

◆ trConstructorDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trConstructorDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of constructor/destructors.

Implements Translator.

◆ trDataTypes()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDataTypes ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace/group before the list of links to documented compounds (Fortran)

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trDate()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDate ( )

this text is generated when the \date command is used.

Implements Translator.

◆ trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDefinedAtLineInSourceFile ( )

Izbacujemo rod

Implements Translator.

◆ trDefinedIn()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDefinedIn ( )

put after an undocumented member in the list of all members

Implements Translator.

◆ trDefinedInSourceFile()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDefinedInSourceFile ( )

Izbacujemo rod

Implements Translator.

◆ trDefineDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDefineDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file before the list of documentation blocks for defines

Implements Translator.

◆ trDefines()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDefines ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of defines

Implements Translator.

◆ trDefineValue()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDefineValue ( )

Text shown before a multi-line define

Implements Translator.

◆ trDeprecatedList()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDeprecatedList ( )

Used as the header of the list of item that have been flagged deprecated

Implements Translator.

◆ trDetailedDescription()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDetailedDescription ( )

header that is put before the detailed description of files, classes and namespaces.

Implements Translator.

◆ trDetails()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDetails ( )

header that is used when the summary tag is missing inside the details tag

Implements Translator.

◆ trDir()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDir ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This returns the word directory with or without starting capital (first_capital) and in sigular or plural form (singular).

Implements Translator.

◆ trDirDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDirDocumentation ( )

This is used as the name of the chapter containing the documentation of the directories.

Implements Translator.

◆ trDirectories()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDirectories ( )

This is used as the title of the directory index and also in the Quick links of a HTML page, to link to the directory hierarchy.

Implements Translator.

◆ trDirIndex()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDirIndex ( )

This is used as the name of the chapter containing the directory hierarchy.

Implements Translator.

◆ trDirReference()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDirReference ( const QCString dirName)

This returns the title of a directory page. The name of the directory is passed via dirName.

Implements Translator.

◆ trDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trDocumentation ( const QCString projName)

This is used in HTML as the title of index.html.

Implements Translator.

◆ trEnumerations()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trEnumerations ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of enumerations

Implements Translator.

◆ trEnumerationTypeDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trEnumerationTypeDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for enumeration types

Implements Translator.

◆ trEnumerationValueDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trEnumerationValueDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for enumeration values

Implements Translator.

◆ trEnumerationValues()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trEnumerationValues ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) variables

Implements Translator.

◆ trEnumName()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trEnumName ( )

put after an enum name in the list of all members

Implements Translator.

◆ trEnumValue()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trEnumValue ( )

put after an enum value in the list of all members

Implements Translator.

◆ trEventDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trEventDocumentation ( )

Header used for the documentation section of a class' events.

Implements Translator.

◆ trEvents()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trEvents ( )

Used as a header for declaration section of the events found in a C# program

Implements Translator.

◆ trExamples()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trExamples ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all examples.

Implements Translator.

◆ trExamplesDescription()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trExamplesDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the page with the list of all examples

Implements Translator.

◆ trExceptions()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trExceptions ( )

this text is generated when the \exception command is used.

Implements Translator.

◆ trFile()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trFile ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

◆ trFileDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trFileDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all files.

Implements Translator.

◆ trFileIndex()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trFileIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the list of all files.

Implements Translator.

◆ trFileList()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trFileList ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the list of documented files

Implements Translator.

◆ trFileListDescription()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trFileListDescription ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the list with all files.

Implements Translator.

◆ trFileMembers()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trFileMembers ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of files.

Implements Translator.

◆ trFileMembersDescription()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trFileMembersDescription ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all file members.

Implements Translator.

◆ trFileReference()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trFileReference ( const QCString fileName)

used as the title of the HTML page of a file

Implements Translator.

◆ trFriends()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trFriends ( )

used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all friends of a class

Implements Translator.

◆ trFunctionDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trFunctionDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for functions

Implements Translator.

◆ trFunctions()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trFunctions ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) functions

Implements Translator.

◆ trGeneratedAt()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trGeneratedAt ( const QCString date,
const QCString projName 

This is used in the standard footer of each page and indicates when the page was generated

Implements Translator.

◆ trGeneratedAutomatically()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trGeneratedAutomatically ( const QCString s)

this is put at the author sections at the bottom of man pages. parameter s is name of the project name.

Implements Translator.

◆ trGeneratedBy()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trGeneratedBy ( )

this text is used in the title page of a LaTeX document.

Implements Translator.

◆ trGeneratedFromFiles()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trGeneratedFromFiles ( ClassDef::CompoundType  compType,
bool  single 

This is put at the bottom of a class documentation page and is followed by a list of files that were used to generate the page.

Implements Translator.

◆ trGeneratedFromFilesFortran()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trGeneratedFromFilesFortran ( ClassDef::CompoundType  compType,
bool  single 

This is put at the bottom of a module documentation page and is followed by a list of files that were used to generate the page.

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trGlobal()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trGlobal ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

◆ trGotoDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trGotoDocumentation ( )

Used in the file sources to point to the corresponding documentation.

Implements Translator.

◆ trGotoSourceCode()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trGotoSourceCode ( )

Used in the file documentation to point to the corresponding sources.

Implements Translator.

◆ trGroup()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trGroup ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

◆ trHierarchicalIndex()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trHierarchicalIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the class hierarchy.

Implements Translator.

◆ trImplementedFromList()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trImplementedFromList ( int  )

used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of members that are implemented by this one.

"Definiše" je previše kratko, ispada sa de definišu same apstraktne klase

Implements Translator.

◆ trImplementedInList()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trImplementedInList ( int  )

used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of all members that implement this abstract member.

Izbegavanje roda

Implements Translator.

◆ trInclDepGraph()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trInclDepGraph ( const QCString fName)

this text is put before an include dependency graph

Implements Translator.

◆ trIncludingInheritedMembers()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trIncludingInheritedMembers ( )

this is the remainder of the sentence after the class name

Implements Translator.

◆ trInheritedByList()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trInheritedByList ( int  )

used in class documentation to produce a list of derived classes, if class diagrams are disabled.

Implements Translator.

◆ trInheritsList()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trInheritsList ( int  )

used in class documentation to produce a list of base classes, if class diagrams are disabled.

Implements Translator.

◆ trInitialValue()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trInitialValue ( )

Text shown before a multi-line variable/enum initialization

Implements Translator.

◆ trInterfaces()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trInterfaces ( )

Used for Java interfaces in the summary section of Java packages

< Radna okruzenja. Ali to je dve reci.

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_8_4.

◆ trInvariant()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trInvariant ( )

Text for the \invariant command

Implements Translator.

◆ trLegend()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trLegend ( )

text for the link to the legend page

Implements Translator.

◆ trLegendDocs()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trLegendDocs ( )

page explaining how the dot graph's should be interpreted The A in the text below are to prevent link to classes called "A".

Implements Translator.

◆ trLegendTitle()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trLegendTitle ( )

title of the graph legend page

Implements Translator.

◆ trListOfAllMembers()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trListOfAllMembers ( )

put in the class documentation

Implements Translator.

◆ trMainPage()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trMainPage ( )

This is in the (quick) index as a link to the main page (index.html)

Implements Translator.

◆ trMember()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trMember ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

◆ trMemberDataDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trMemberDataDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of member attributes.

Implements Translator.

◆ trMemberEnumerationDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trMemberEnumerationDocumentation ( )

Ovo je u skladu sa "unutrašnja klasa" što se može videti u knjizi.

header that is put before the list of enumerations.

Implements Translator.

◆ trMemberFunctionDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trMemberFunctionDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of member functions.

Implements Translator.

◆ trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trMemberFunctionDocumentationFortran ( )

header that is put before the list of member subprograms (Fortran).

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trMemberList()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trMemberList ( )

used as the title of the "list of all members" page of a class

Implements Translator.

◆ trMemberTypedefDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trMemberTypedefDocumentation ( )

header that is put before the list of typedefs.

Implements Translator.

◆ trModule()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trModule ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trModuleDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trModuleDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all groups.

Implements Translator.

◆ trModuleIndex()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trModuleIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the index of all groups.

Implements Translator.

◆ trModuleReference()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trModuleReference ( const QCString namespaceName)

used as the title of the HTML page of a module (Fortran)

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trModules()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trModules ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the list of all groups of compounds or files (see the \group command).

Implements Translator.

◆ trModulesDescription()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trModulesDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the page with the list of class/file groups

Implements Translator.

◆ trModulesIndex()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trModulesIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the index of all modules (Fortran).

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trModulesList()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trModulesList ( )

used as the title of page containing all the index of all modules (Fortran).

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trModulesListDescription()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trModulesListDescription ( bool  extractAll)

used as an introduction to the modules list (Fortran)

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trModulesMemberDescription()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trModulesMemberDescription ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all modules members (Fortran)

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trModulesMembers()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trModulesMembers ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of modules. (Fortran)

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trMore()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trMore ( )

this is the text of a link put after brief descriptions.

Implements Translator.

◆ trNamespace()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trNamespace ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

◆ trNamespaceDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trNamespaceDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all namespaces.

Implements Translator.

◆ trNamespaceIndex()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trNamespaceIndex ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter with the index of all namespaces.

Implements Translator.

◆ trNamespaceList()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trNamespaceList ( )

used as the title of page containing all the index of all namespaces.

Implements Translator.

◆ trNamespaceListDescription()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trNamespaceListDescription ( bool  extractAll)

used as an introduction to the namespace list

Implements Translator.

◆ trNamespaceMemberDescription()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trNamespaceMemberDescription ( bool  extractAll)

This is an introduction to the page with all namespace members

Implements Translator.

◆ trNamespaceMembers()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trNamespaceMembers ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all members of namespaces.

Implements Translator.

◆ trNamespaceReference()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trNamespaceReference ( const QCString namespaceName)

used as the title of the HTML page of a namespace

Implements Translator.

◆ trNamespaces()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trNamespaces ( )

This is used in the documentation before the list of all namespaces in a file.

Implements Translator.

◆ trOverloadText()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trOverloadText ( )

This text is added to the documentation when the \overload command is used for a overloaded function.

Implements Translator.

◆ trPackage()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trPackage ( const QCString name)

Used as the title of a Java package

Implements Translator.

◆ trPackageAttribs()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trPackageAttribs ( )

Used as a heading for a list of Java class variables with package scope.

Implements Translator.

◆ trPackageFunctions()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trPackageFunctions ( )

Used as a heading for a list of Java class functions with package scope.

Implements Translator.

◆ trPackageListDescription()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trPackageListDescription ( )

The description of the package index page

Implements Translator.

◆ trPackages()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trPackages ( )

The link name in the Quick links header for each page

Implements Translator.

◆ trPackageTypes()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trPackageTypes ( )

Used as a heading for a list of Java class types with package scope.

Implements Translator.

◆ trPage()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trPage ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Implements Translator.

◆ trPageAbbreviation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trPageAbbreviation ( )

This is used in references to page that are put in the LaTeX documentation. It should be an abbreviation of the word page.

Implements Translator.

◆ trParameters()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trParameters ( )

this text is generated when the \param command is used.

Implements Translator.

◆ trPostcondition()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trPostcondition ( )

Text for the \post command

Implements Translator.

◆ trPrecondition()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trPrecondition ( )

Text for the \pre command

Implements Translator.

◆ trProperties()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trProperties ( )

Used as a section header for IDL properties

Implements Translator.

◆ trPropertyDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trPropertyDocumentation ( )

Used as a section header for IDL property documentation

Implements Translator.

◆ trReferencedBy()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trReferencedBy ( )

Izbegavanje roda. Uskladjivanje sa trReferences

Implements Translator.

◆ trReferenceManual()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trReferenceManual ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the document

Implements Translator.

◆ trReferences()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trReferences ( )

This text is put before the list of members referenced by a member

Implements Translator.

◆ trReimplementedFromList()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trReimplementedFromList ( int  numEntries)

used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of members that are hidden by this one.

Implements Translator.

◆ trReimplementedInList()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trReimplementedInList ( int  numEntries)

used in member documentation blocks to produce a list of all member that overwrite the implementation of this member.

Ako već ne možemo jednu reč (redefinicija), da uskladimo sa prethodnim i izbacimo upotrebu roda

Implements Translator.

◆ trRelatedFunctionDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trRelatedFunctionDocumentation ( )

used in the class documentation as a header before the list of all related classes

Implements Translator.

◆ trRelatedFunctions()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trRelatedFunctions ( )

Čini se da je ovako manje loše nego "Povezane funkcije", što uopšte ne izgleda dobro jer ta kartica sadrži prijatelje i globalne funkcije.

used in the compound documentation before a list of related functions.

Implements Translator.

◆ trRelatedPages()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trRelatedPages ( )

This is put above each page as a link to all related pages.

Implements Translator.

◆ trRelatedPagesDescription()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trRelatedPagesDescription ( )

This is an introduction to the page with the list of related pages

Implements Translator.

◆ trRelatedSubscript()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trRelatedSubscript ( )

subscript for the related functions.

Implements Translator.

◆ trReturns()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trReturns ( )

this text is generated when the \return command is used.

Implements Translator.

◆ trReturnValues()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trReturnValues ( )

This is used as the heading text for the retval command.

Implements Translator.

◆ trRTFansicp()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trRTFansicp ( )

Used as ansicpg for RTF file

The following table shows the correlation of Charset name, Charset Value and

Codepage number:

Charset Name Charset Value(hex) Codepage number

DEFAULT_CHARSET           1 (x01)
SYMBOL_CHARSET            2 (x02)
OEM_CHARSET             255 (xFF)
ANSI_CHARSET              0 (x00)            1252
RUSSIAN_CHARSET         204 (xCC)            1251
EE_CHARSET              238 (xEE)            1250
GREEK_CHARSET           161 (xA1)            1253
TURKISH_CHARSET         162 (xA2)            1254
BALTIC_CHARSET          186 (xBA)            1257
HEBREW_CHARSET          177 (xB1)            1255
ARABIC _CHARSET         178 (xB2)            1256
SHIFTJIS_CHARSET        128 (x80)             932
HANGEUL_CHARSET         129 (x81)             949
GB2313_CHARSET          134 (x86)             936
CHINESEBIG5_CHARSET     136 (x88)             950

Implements Translator.

◆ trRTFCharSet()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trRTFCharSet ( )

Used as ansicpg for RTF fcharset

See also
trRTFansicp() for a table of possible values.

Implements Translator.

◆ trRTFGeneralIndex()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trRTFGeneralIndex ( )

Used as header RTF general index

Implements Translator.

◆ trRTFTableOfContents()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trRTFTableOfContents ( )

used in RTF documentation as a heading for the Table of Contents.

Implements Translator.

◆ trSearch()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trSearch ( )

This is put above each page as a link to the search engine.

Implements Translator.

◆ trSearchMatches()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trSearchMatches ( )

This string is put before the list of matched words, for each search result. What follows is the list of words that matched the query.

Implements Translator.

◆ trSearchResults()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trSearchResults ( int  numDocuments)

This string is put just before listing the search results. The text can be different depending on the number of documents found. Inside the text you can put the special marker $num to insert the number representing the actual number of search results. The numDocuments parameter can be either 0, 1 or 2, where the value 2 represents 2 or more matches. HTML markup is allowed inside the returned string.

Implements Translator.

◆ trSearchResultsTitle()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trSearchResultsTitle ( )

This string is used as the title for the page listing the search results.

Implements Translator.

◆ trSeeAlso()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trSeeAlso ( )

this text is generated when the \sa command is used.

Implements Translator.

◆ trSourceFile()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trSourceFile ( const QCString filename)

This is used in HTML as the title of page with source code for file filename

Implements Translator.

◆ trStaticPackageAttribs()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trStaticPackageAttribs ( )

Used as a heading for a list of static Java class variables with package scope.

Implements Translator.

◆ trStaticPackageFunctions()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trStaticPackageFunctions ( )

Used as a heading for a list of static Java class functions with package scope.

Implements Translator.

◆ trSubprogram()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trSubprogram ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trSubprogramDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trSubprogramDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for subprograms (Fortran)

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trSubprograms()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trSubprograms ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) subprograms (Fortran).

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trTest()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trTest ( )

Used as a marker that is put before a test item

Implements Translator.

◆ trTestList()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trTestList ( )

Used as the header of the test list

Implements Translator.

◆ trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trThisIsTheListOfAllMembers ( )

this is the first part of a sentence that is followed by a class name

Implements Translator.

◆ trTodo()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trTodo ( )

Used as a marker that is put before a \todo item

Implements Translator.

◆ trTodoList()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trTodoList ( )

Used as the header of the todo list

Implements Translator.

◆ trType()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trType ( bool  first_capital,
bool  singular 

This is used for translation of the word that will possibly be followed by a single name or by a list of names of the category.

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trTypeConstraints()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trTypeConstraints ( )

C# Type Constraint list

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trTypedefDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trTypedefDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for typedefs

Implements Translator.

◆ trTypedefs()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trTypedefs ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of typedefs

Implements Translator.

◆ trTypeDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trTypeDocumentation ( )

This is used in LaTeX as the title of the chapter containing the documentation of all data types (Fortran).

Reimplemented from TranslatorAdapter_1_6_0.

◆ trVariableDocumentation()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trVariableDocumentation ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file/namespace before the list of documentation blocks for variables

Implements Translator.

◆ trVariables()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trVariables ( )

This is used in the documentation of a file as a header before the list of (global) variables

Implements Translator.

◆ trVersion()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trVersion ( )

this text is generated when the \version command is used.

Implements Translator.

◆ trWarning()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trWarning ( )

this text is generated when the \warning command is used.

Implements Translator.

◆ trWriteList()

QCString TranslatorSerbian::trWriteList ( int  numEntries)

this function is used to produce a comma-separated list of items. use generateMarker(i) to indicate where item i should be put.

Implements Translator.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: