Oyranos  git-devel
Oyranos is a full featured Color Management System

Oyjl API examples.

#include "oyOptions_s.h"
#include <stdio.h>
void testOyjl( void );
int main (int argc OY_UNUSED, char ** argv OY_UNUSED)
int error = 0;
oyOptions_s * result = 0;
const char * t = NULL,
* json;
FILE * zout = stdout;
json = "{\"org\":{\"free\":[{\"s1key_a\":\"val_a\",\"s1key_b\":\"val_b\"},{\"s2key_c\":\"val_c\",\"s2key_d\":\"val_d\"}],\"key_e\":\"val_e\"}}";
oyOptions_s * options = NULL;
error = oyOptions_FromJSON( json, options, &result, "org" );
fprintf( zout, "%s\n", t?t:0 );
json = "{\"org\":{\"free\":[{\"s1key_a\":\"val_a\",\"s1key_b\":\"val_b\"},{\"s2key_c\":\"val_c\",\"s2key_d\":\"val_d\"}],\"key_e\":\"val_e_xxx\"}}";
error = oyOptions_FromJSON( json, options, &result, "org" );
fprintf( zout, "%s\n", t?t:0 );
json = "{\"org\":{\"free\":[{\"s1key_a\":\"val_a\",\"s1key_b\":\"val_b\"},{\"s2key_c\":\"val_c\",\"s2key_d\":\"val_d\"}],\"key_e\":\"val_e_yyy\",\"key_f\":\"val_f\"}}";
error = oyOptions_FromJSON( json, options, &result, "org" );
fprintf( zout, "%s\n", t?t:0 );
oyOptions_SetFromString( &options, OY_STD "/key_path",
"net/host/path", OY_CREATE_NEW);
json = "{\"org\":{\"free\":[{\"s1key_a\":\"val_a\",\"s1key_b\":\"val_b\"},{\"s2key_c\":\"val_c\",\"s2key_d\":\"val_d\"}],\"key_e\":\"val_e_yyy\",\"key_f\":\"val_f\"}}";
error = oyOptions_FromJSON( json, options, &result, "org/free/[%d]", 1 );
fprintf( zout, "%s\n", t?t:0 );
fprintf( zout, "oyOptions_FromJSON() returned %d\n", error );
oyOptions_Release( &options );
oyOptions_Release( &result );
testOyjl( );
return 0;
#include "oyranos_json.h"
void testOyjl(void)
/* JSON string */
const char * text = "{\"org\":{\"test\":[{\"s1key_a\":\"val_a\",\"s1key_b\":\"val_b\"},{\"s2key_c\":\"val_c\",\"s2key_d\":\"val_d\"}],\"key_e\":\"val_e_yyy\",\"key_f\":\"val_f\"}}";
oyjl_val node = 0;
char * json = 0;
/* read JSON into C data struct */
oyjl_val root = oyjlTreeParse2( text, 0, __func__, NULL );
/* convert back to JSON */
json = oyjlTreeToText( root, OYJL_JSON );
fprintf( stderr, "root = oyjlTreeParse2( text ):\n%s\n", json?json:"" );
free(json); json = NULL;
/* use a xpath to obtain a node */
node = oyjlTreeGetValueF( root, 0, "org/test/[%d]", 1 );
json = oyjlTreeToText( node, OYJL_JSON );
fprintf( stderr, "node = oyjlTreeGetValueF( root, \"org/test/[%%d]\", 1 ):\n%s\n", json?json:"" );
free(json); json = NULL;
/* use a xpath to remove a node */
oyjlTreeClearValue( root, "org/test/[1]/" );
json = oyjlTreeToText( node, OYJL_JSON );
fprintf( stderr, "oyjlTreeClearValue( root, \"org/test/[1]/\" ):\n%s\n", json?json:"" );
free(json); json = NULL;
/* use a xpath to get a new node in a existing tree */
node = oyjlTreeGetValue( root, OYJL_CREATE_NEW, "org/add/opt" );
json = oyjlTreeToText( root, OYJL_JSON );
fprintf( stderr, "node = oyjlTreeGetValue( root, OYJL_CREATE_NEW, \"org/add/opt\" ):\n%s\n", json?json:"" );
free(json); json = NULL;
/* set the new node to some string value */
oyjlValueSetString( node, "opt_value" );
json = oyjlTreeToText( root, OYJL_JSON );
fprintf( stderr, "oyjlValueSetString( node, \"opt_value\" ):\n%s\n", json?json:"" );
free(json); json = NULL;
/* release memory */
oyjlTreeFree ( root );
/* use a xpath to create new tree */
root = oyjlTreeNew( "new/tree/key" );
json = oyjlTreeToText( root, OYJL_JSON );
fprintf( stderr, "oyjlTreeNew( \"new/tree/key\" ):\n%s\n", json?json:"" );
free(json); json = NULL;
/* release memory */
oyjlTreeFree( root );