Python API v19

{ onDatabaseUpdated, "", xbmc.monitor().onDatabaseUpdated() function was removed completely. } { onDatabaseScanStarted, "", xbmc.monitor().onDatabaseScanStarted() function was removed completely. } { onAbortRequested, "", xbmc.monitor().onAbortRequested() function was removed completely. } { create, "", xbmcgui.DialogBusy().create() function was removed completely. } { update, "", xbmcgui.DialogBusy().update() function was removed completely. } { close, "", xbmcgui.DialogBusy().close() function was removed completely. } { iscanceled, "", xbmcgui.DialogBusy().iscanceled() function was removed completely. } { setIconImage, "", xbmcgui.ListItem().setIconImage() function was removed completely. } { setThumbnailImage, "", xbmcgui.ListItem().setThumbnailImage() function was removed completely. } { getdescription, "", xbmcgui.ListItem().getdescription() function was removed completely. } { getduration, "", xbmcgui.ListItem().getduration() function was removed completely. } { getfilename, "", xbmcgui.ListItem().getfilename() function was removed completely. } { getfilename, "", xbmcgui.Window().getResolution() function was removed completely. } { setCoordinateResolution, "", xbmcgui.Window().setCoordinateResolution() function was removed completely. } { makeLegalFilename, "", xbmc.makeLegalFilename() function was moved to the xbmcvfs module. } { validatePath, "", xbmc.validatePath() function was moved to the xbmcvfs module. } { abortRequested, "", xbmc.abortRequested flag was removed completely. Use xbmc.Monitor().abortRequested(). }