Classes | Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Friends | List of all members
finalcut::FFileDialog Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for finalcut::FFileDialog:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for finalcut::FFileDialog:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  DialogType { Open = 0, Save = 1 }
- Public Types inherited from finalcut::FDialog
enum  ResultCode : int { Reject = 0, Accept = 1 }
- Public Types inherited from finalcut::FWidget
using FWidgetList = std::vector< FWidget * >
using FAcceleratorList = std::vector< FAccelerator >
- Public Types inherited from finalcut::FVTerm
enum  CoveredState { None, Half, Full }
enum  TerminalUpdate { Stop, Continue, Start }
using FCharVector = std::vector< FChar >
using FPreprocessingHandler = void(FVTerm::*)()
using FPreprocessingFunction = std::function< void()>
using FPreprocVector = std::vector< std::unique_ptr< FVTermPreprocessing > >
using FVTermList = std::vector< FVTerm * >
- Public Types inherited from finalcut::FObject
using FObjectList = std::vector< FObject * >
using iterator = FObjectList::iterator
using reverse_iterator = FObjectList::reverse_iterator
using const_iterator = FObjectList::const_iterator
using const_reverse_iterator = FObjectList::const_reverse_iterator
using reference = FObjectList::reference
using const_reference = FObjectList::const_reference

Public Member Functions

 FFileDialog (FWidget *=nullptr)
 FFileDialog (const FString &, FString &&, DialogType=DialogType::Open, FWidget *=nullptr)
auto getClassName () const -> FString override
auto getPath () const -> FString
auto getFilter () const -> FString
auto getSelectedFile () const -> FString
auto getShowHiddenFiles () const noexcept -> bool
void setPath (const FString &)
void setFilter (const FString &)
auto setShowHiddenFiles (bool=true) -> bool
auto unsetShowHiddenFiles () -> bool
void onKeyPress (FKeyEvent *) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FDialog
 FDialog (FWidget *=nullptr)
 FDialog (FString &&, FWidget *=nullptr)
 FDialog (const FDialog &)=delete
 FDialog (FDialog &&) noexcept=delete
auto operator= (const FDialog &) -> FDialog &=delete
auto operator= (FDialog &&) noexcept -> FDialog &=delete
virtual auto getText () const -> FString
auto setDialogWidget (bool=true) -> bool
auto unsetDialogWidget () -> bool
auto setModal (bool=true) -> bool
auto unsetModal () -> bool
auto setResizeable (bool=true) -> bool override
auto setMinimizable (bool=true) -> bool override
auto setTitlebarButtonVisibility (bool=true) -> bool
auto unsetTitlebarButtonVisibility () -> bool
auto setBorder (bool=true) -> bool
auto unsetBorder () -> bool
void resetColors () override
virtual void setText (const FString &)
auto isModal () const -> bool
auto hasBorder () const -> bool
void show () override
void hide () override
auto exec () -> ResultCode
void setPos (const FPoint &, bool=true) override
void move (const FPoint &) override
auto moveUp (int) -> bool
auto moveDown (int) -> bool
auto moveLeft (int) -> bool
auto moveRight (int) -> bool
void setSize (const FSize &, bool=true) override
auto reduceHeight (int) -> bool
auto expandHeight (int) -> bool
auto reduceWidth (int) -> bool
auto expandWidth (int) -> bool
auto zoomWindow () -> bool override
auto minimizeWindow () -> bool override
void flushChanges () override
void activateDialog ()
void onMouseDown (FMouseEvent *) override
void onMouseUp (FMouseEvent *) override
void onMouseMove (FMouseEvent *) override
void onMouseDoubleClick (FMouseEvent *) override
void onAccel (FAccelEvent *) override
void onWindowActive (FEvent *) override
void onWindowInactive (FEvent *) override
void onWindowRaised (FEvent *) override
void onWindowLowered (FEvent *) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FWindow
 FWindow (FWidget *=nullptr)
 FWindow (const FWindow &)=delete
 FWindow (FWindow &&) noexcept=delete
auto operator= (const FWindow &) -> FWindow &=delete
auto operator= (FWindow &&) noexcept -> FWindow &=delete
auto getClassName () const -> FString override
auto getWindowFocusWidget () const -> FWidget *
auto setWindowWidget (bool=true) -> bool
auto unsetWindowWidget () -> bool
void setWindowFocusWidget (FWidget *)
auto activateWindow (bool=true) -> bool
void unsetActiveWindow () const
auto deactivateWindow () -> bool
auto unsetResizeable () -> bool
auto unsetMinimizable () -> bool
auto setTransparentShadow (bool=true) -> bool
auto unsetTransparentShadow () -> bool
auto setShadow (bool=true) -> bool
auto unsetShadow () -> bool
auto setAlwaysOnTop (bool=true) -> bool
auto unsetAlwaysOnTop () -> bool
auto isZoomed () const noexcept -> bool
auto isMinimized () const -> bool
auto isWindowActive () const noexcept -> bool
auto isWindowHidden () const -> bool
auto isResizeable () const -> bool
auto isMinimizable () const -> bool
auto isAlwaysOnTop () const -> bool
auto hasTransparentShadow () const -> bool
auto hasShadow () const -> bool
void drawBorder () override
void show () override
void hide () override
void setX (int, bool=true) override
void setY (int, bool=true) override
void setPos (const FPoint &, bool=true) override
void setWidth (std::size_t, bool=true) override
void setHeight (std::size_t, bool=true) override
void setSize (const FSize &, bool=true) override
void setGeometry (const FPoint &, const FSize &, bool=true) override
void move (const FPoint &) override
auto raiseWindow () -> bool
auto lowerWindow () -> bool
void setShadowSize (const FSize &) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FWidget
 FWidget (FWidget *=nullptr)
auto getRootWidget () -> FWidget *
auto getParentWidget () const -> FWidget *
auto getAcceleratorList () const &-> const FAcceleratorList &
auto getStatusbarMessage () const -> FString
auto getForegroundColor () const noexcept -> FColor
auto getBackgroundColor () const noexcept -> FColor
auto doubleFlatLine_ref (Side) -> std::vector< bool > &
auto getX () const -> int
auto getY () const -> int
auto getPos () const -> FPoint
auto getTermX () const -> int
auto getTermY () const -> int
auto getTermPos () const -> FPoint
auto getWidth () const -> std::size_t
auto getHeight () const -> std::size_t
auto getSize () const -> FSize
auto getTopPadding () const noexcept -> int
auto getLeftPadding () const noexcept -> int
auto getBottomPadding () const noexcept -> int
auto getRightPadding () const noexcept -> int
auto getClientWidth () const -> std::size_t
auto getClientHeight () const -> std::size_t
auto getClientSize () const -> FSize
auto getMaxWidth () const -> std::size_t
auto getMaxHeight () const -> std::size_t
auto getShadow () const &-> const FSize &
auto getGeometry () const &-> const FRect &
auto getGeometryWithShadow () &-> const FRect &
auto getTermGeometry () &-> const FRect &
auto getTermGeometryWithShadow () &-> const FRect &
auto getDesktopWidth () const -> std::size_t
auto getDesktopHeight () const -> std::size_t
auto getFlags () const &-> const FWidgetFlags &
auto getCursorPos () const -> FPoint
auto getPrintPos () -> FPoint
auto setAcceleratorList () &-> FAcceleratorList &
virtual void setStatusbarMessage (const FString &)
auto setVisible (bool=true) -> bool
auto unsetVisible () -> bool
virtual auto setEnable (bool=true) -> bool
virtual auto unsetEnable () -> bool
virtual auto setDisable () -> bool
virtual auto setVisibleCursor (bool=true) -> bool
virtual auto unsetVisibleCursor () -> bool
virtual auto setFocus (bool=true, FocusTypes=FocusTypes::DefiniteWidget) -> bool
virtual auto unsetFocus () -> bool
void setFocusable (bool=true)
void unsetFocusable ()
auto ignorePadding (bool=true) -> bool
auto acceptPadding () -> bool
virtual void setForegroundColor (FColor)
virtual void setBackgroundColor (FColor)
void useParentWidgetColor ()
void setColor () const
auto setFlags () &-> FWidgetFlags &
void setTopPadding (int, bool=true)
void setLeftPadding (int, bool=true)
void setBottomPadding (int, bool=true)
void setRightPadding (int, bool=true)
void setTerminalSize (const FSize &) const
virtual void setGeometry (const FRect &, bool=true)
void setMinimumWidth (std::size_t)
void setMinimumHeight (std::size_t)
void setMinimumSize (const FSize &)
void setMaximumWidth (std::size_t)
void setMaximumHeight (std::size_t)
void setMaximumSize (const FSize &)
void setFixedSize (const FSize &)
virtual auto setCursorPos (const FPoint &) -> bool
void unsetCursorPos ()
virtual void setPrintPos (const FPoint &)
void setDoubleFlatLine (Side, bool=true)
void unsetDoubleFlatLine (Side)
void setDoubleFlatLine (Side, int, bool=true)
void unsetDoubleFlatLine (Side, int)
auto isRootWidget () const -> bool
auto isWindowWidget () const -> bool
auto isDialogWidget () const -> bool
auto isMenuWidget () const -> bool
auto isVisible () const -> bool
auto isShown () const -> bool
auto isHidden () const -> bool
auto isEnabled () const -> bool
auto hasVisibleCursor () const -> bool
auto hasFocus () const -> bool
auto acceptFocus () const -> bool
auto isPaddingIgnored () const -> bool
auto childWidgetAt (const FPoint &) &-> FWidget *
auto numOfFocusableChildren () &-> int
virtual auto close () -> bool
void clearStatusbarMessage ()
template<typename... Args>
void addCallback (FString &&, Args &&...) &noexcept
template<typename... Args>
void delCallback (Args &&...) &noexcept
void emitCallback (const FString &) const &
void addAccelerator (FKey) &
virtual void addAccelerator (FKey, FWidget *) &
void delAccelerator () &
virtual void delAccelerator (FWidget *) &
virtual void redraw ()
virtual void resize ()
virtual auto focusNextChild () -> bool
virtual auto focusPrevChild () -> bool
virtual auto focusFirstChild () &-> bool
virtual auto focusLastChild () &-> bool
auto termToWidgetPos (const FPoint &) const -> FPoint
void print (const FPoint &) override
template<typename... Args>
void addCallback (FString &&cb_signal, Args &&... args) &noexcept
template<typename... Args>
void delCallback (Args &&... args) &noexcept
- Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FVTerm
 FVTerm (const FVTerm &)=delete
 FVTerm (FVTerm &&) noexcept=delete
template<typename FOutputType >
 FVTerm (outputClass< FOutputType >)
auto operator= (const FVTerm &) -> FVTerm &=delete
auto operator= (FVTerm &&) noexcept -> FVTerm &=delete
template<typename NumT , enable_if_arithmetic_without_char_t< NumT > = nullptr>
auto operator<< (const NumT &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
template<typename CharT , enable_if_CString_t< CharT > = nullptr>
auto operator<< (const CharT &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (char) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (wchar_t) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const wchar_t *) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const UniChar &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const std::string &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const std::wstring &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const FString &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (FVTermBuffer &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const FVTermBuffer &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const FChar &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const FCharVector &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const FPoint &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const FStyle &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const FColorPair &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto getVWin () noexcept -> FTermArea *
auto getVWin () const noexcept -> const FTermArea *
auto getPrintCursor () -> FPoint
void setTerminalUpdates (TerminalUpdate) const
void setCursor (const FPoint &) noexcept
void setVWin (std::unique_ptr< FTermArea > &&) noexcept
virtual void clearArea (wchar_t=L' ')
void createVDesktop (const FSize &size) noexcept
void createVTerm (const FSize &) noexcept
void resizeVTerm (const FSize &) const noexcept
void putVTerm () const
auto updateTerminal () const -> bool
auto interpretControlCodes (FTermArea *, const FChar &) const noexcept -> bool
template<typename... Args>
auto printf (const FString &, Args &&...) noexcept -> int
auto print (const FString &) noexcept -> int
auto print (FTermArea *, const FString &) noexcept -> int
auto print (const std::vector< FChar > &) noexcept -> int
auto print (FTermArea *, const std::vector< FChar > &) noexcept -> int
auto print (FVTermBuffer &) noexcept -> int
auto print (const FVTermBuffer &) noexcept -> int
auto print (FTermArea *, FVTermBuffer &) const noexcept -> int
auto print (FTermArea *, const FVTermBuffer &) const noexcept -> int
auto print (wchar_t) noexcept -> int
auto print (FTermArea *, wchar_t) noexcept -> int
auto print (const FChar &) noexcept -> int
auto print (FTermArea *, const FChar &) const noexcept -> int
auto print () &-> FVTerm &
void flush () const
template<typename... Args>
auto printf (const FString &format, Args &&... args) noexcept -> int
- Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FVTermAttribute
 FVTermAttribute (const FVTermAttribute &)=delete
 FVTermAttribute (FVTermAttribute &&) noexcept=delete
auto operator= (const FVTermAttribute &) -> FVTermAttribute &=delete
auto operator= (FVTermAttribute &&) noexcept -> FVTermAttribute &=delete
- Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FObject
 FObject (FObject *=nullptr)
 FObject (const FObject &)=delete
 FObject (FObject &&) noexcept=delete
auto operator= (const FObject &) -> FObject &=delete
auto operator= (FObject &&) noexcept -> FObject &=delete
auto getParent () const &-> FObject *
auto getChild (int) const &-> FObject *
auto getChildren () &-> FObjectList &
auto getChildren () const &-> const FObjectList &
auto getMaxChildren () const &noexcept -> std::size_t
auto numOfChildren () const &-> std::size_t
auto begin () -> iterator
auto end () -> iterator
auto begin () const -> const_iterator
auto end () const -> const_iterator
auto cbegin () const noexcept -> const_iterator
auto cend () const noexcept -> const_iterator
auto rbegin () -> reverse_iterator
auto rend () -> reverse_iterator
auto rbegin () const -> const_reverse_iterator
auto rend () const -> const_reverse_iterator
auto crbegin () const noexcept -> const_reverse_iterator
auto crend () const noexcept -> const_reverse_iterator
auto front () -> reference
auto back () -> reference
auto front () const -> const_reference
auto back () const -> const_reference
void setMaxChildren (std::size_t) noexcept
auto hasParent () const &noexcept -> bool
auto hasChildren () const &-> bool
auto isChild (const FObject *) const &-> bool
auto isDirectChild (const FObject *) const &-> bool
auto isWidget () const noexcept -> bool
auto isInstanceOf (const FString &) const -> bool
void removeParent () &
void addChild (FObject *) &
void delChild (FObject *) &
void setParent (FObject *) &
- Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FObjectTimer
auto addTimer (int interval) -> int
auto delTimer (int id) const -> bool
auto delOwnTimers () const -> bool
auto delAllTimers () const -> bool

Static Public Member Functions

static auto fileOpenChooser (FWidget *, const FString &=FString(), const FString &=FString()) -> FString
static auto fileSaveChooser (FWidget *, const FString &=FString(), const FString &=FString()) -> FString
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FWindow
template<typename WidgetT >
static auto getWindowWidget (WidgetT *) -> FWindow *
template<typename WidgetT >
static auto getWindowLayer (WidgetT *) -> int
static void setActiveWindow (FWindow *)
static auto getWindowWidgetAt (const FPoint &) -> FWindow *
static auto getWindowWidgetAt (int, int) -> FWindow *
static void addWindow (FWidget *)
static void delWindow (const FWidget *)
static void swapWindow (const FWidget *, const FWidget *)
static auto raiseWindow (FWidget *) -> bool
static auto lowerWindow (FWidget *) -> bool
static void switchToPrevWindow (const FWidget *)
static auto activatePrevWindow () -> bool
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FWidget
static auto getMainWidget () -> FWidget *&
static auto getActiveWindow () -> FWidget *&
static auto getFocusWidget () -> FWidget *&
static auto getClickedWidget () -> FWidget *&
static auto getOpenMenu () -> FWidget *&
static auto getMoveResizeWidget () -> FWidget *&
static auto getMenuBar () -> FMenuBar *
static auto getStatusBar () -> FStatusBar *
static auto getColorTheme () -> std::shared_ptr< FWidgetColors > &
static void setMainWidget (FWidget *)
static void setFocusWidget (FWidget *)
static void setClickedWidget (FWidget *)
static void setMoveSizeWidget (FWidget *)
static void setActiveWindow (FWidget *)
static void setOpenMenu (FWidget *)
template<typename ClassT >
static void setColorTheme ()
static void quit ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FVTerm
static auto getFOutput () -> std::shared_ptr< FOutput >
static auto getWindowList () -> FVTermList *
static void setNonBlockingRead (bool=true)
static void unsetNonBlockingRead ()
static auto isDrawingFinished () noexcept -> bool
static auto isTerminalUpdateForced () noexcept -> bool
static auto areTerminalUpdatesPaused () noexcept -> bool
static auto hasPendingTerminalUpdates () noexcept -> bool
static void reduceTerminalLineUpdates (uInt)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FVTermAttribute
static auto getTermForegroundColor () -> FColor
static auto getTermBackgroundColor () -> FColor
static auto getAttribute () -> FChar &
static void setColor (FColor, FColor)
static void setNormal ()
static void setBold (bool=true)
static void unsetBold ()
static void setDim (bool=true)
static void unsetDim ()
static void setItalic (bool=true)
static void unsetItalic ()
static void setUnderline (bool=true)
static void unsetUnderline ()
static void setBlink (bool=true)
static void unsetBlink ()
static void setReverse (bool=true)
static void unsetReverse ()
static void setStandout (bool=true)
static void unsetStandout ()
static void setInvisible (bool=true)
static void unsetInvisible ()
static void setProtected (bool=true)
static void unsetProtected ()
static void setCrossedOut (bool=true)
static void unsetCrossedOut ()
static void setDoubleUnderline (bool=true)
static void unsetDoubleUnderline ()
static void setAltCharset (bool=true)
static void unsetAltCharset ()
static void setPCcharset (bool=true)
static void unsetPCcharset ()
static void setTransparent (bool=true)
static void unsetTransparent ()
static void setColorOverlay (bool=true)
static void unsetColorOverlay ()
static void setInheritBackground (bool=true)
static void unsetInheritBackground ()
static auto isBold () -> bool
static auto isDim () -> bool
static auto isItalic () -> bool
static auto isUnderline () -> bool
static auto isBlink () -> bool
static auto isReverse () -> bool
static auto isStandout () -> bool
static auto isInvisible () -> bool
static auto isProtected () -> bool
static auto isCrossedOut () -> bool
static auto isDoubleUnderline () -> bool
static auto isAltCharset () -> bool
static auto isPCcharset () -> bool
static auto isTransparent () -> bool
static auto isColorOverlay () -> bool
static auto isInheritBackground () -> bool
static void initAttribute ()
static void print (const FStyle &)
static void print (const FColorPair &)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FObjectTimer
static auto getCurrentTime () -> TimeValue
static auto isTimeout (const TimeValue &time, uInt64 timeout) -> bool

Protected Member Functions

void adjustSize () override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FDialog
void done (ResultCode)
void draw () override
void drawDialogShadow ()
void onClose (FCloseEvent *) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FWindow
void adjustSize () override
auto event (FEvent *) -> bool override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FWidget
auto getPrintArea () -> FTermArea *override
void addPreprocessingHandler (const FVTerm *, FPreprocessingFunction &&) override
void delPreprocessingHandler (const FVTerm *) override
auto isChildPrintArea () const -> bool
virtual void setStatusBar (FStatusBar *)
virtual void setMenuBar (FMenuBar *)
void setParentOffset ()
void setTermOffset ()
void setTermOffsetWithPadding ()
void initTerminal () override
void initDesktop ()
virtual void initLayout ()
void adjustSizeGlobal ()
void hideArea (const FSize &)
virtual void onKeyUp (FKeyEvent *)
virtual void onKeyDown (FKeyEvent *)
virtual void onWheel (FWheelEvent *)
virtual void onFocusIn (FFocusEvent *)
virtual void onFocusOut (FFocusEvent *)
virtual void onChildFocusIn (FFocusEvent *)
virtual void onChildFocusOut (FFocusEvent *)
virtual void onTermFocusIn (FFocusEvent *)
virtual void onTermFocusOut (FFocusEvent *)
virtual void onFailAtChildFocus (FFocusEvent *)
virtual void onResize (FResizeEvent *)
virtual void onShow (FShowEvent *)
virtual void onHide (FHideEvent *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FVTerm
auto getChildPrintArea () const -> FTermArea *
auto getCurrentPrintArea () const -> FTermArea *
auto getVirtualDesktop () const -> FTermArea *
auto getVirtualTerminal () const -> FTermArea *
void setPrintArea (FTermArea *)
void setChildPrintArea (FTermArea *)
void setActiveArea (FTermArea *) const
auto isActive (const FTermArea *) const -> bool
auto hasPrintArea () const -> bool
auto hasChildPrintArea () const -> bool
auto isVirtualWindow () const -> bool
auto isCursorHideable () const -> bool
auto createArea (const FRect &, const FSize &) -> std::unique_ptr< FTermArea >
auto createArea (const FRect &) -> std::unique_ptr< FTermArea >
void resizeArea (const FRect &, const FSize &, FTermArea *) const
void resizeArea (const FRect &, FTermArea *) const
void restoreVTerm (const FRect &) const noexcept
auto updateVTermCursor (const FTermArea *) const noexcept -> bool
void hideVTermCursor () const
void setAreaCursor (const FPoint &, bool, FTermArea *) const noexcept
void getArea (const FPoint &, FTermArea *) const noexcept
void getArea (const FRect &, FTermArea *) const noexcept
void addLayer (FTermArea *) const noexcept
void putArea (const FPoint &, const FTermArea *) const noexcept
void copyArea (FTermArea *, const FPoint &, const FTermArea *const) const noexcept
void scrollAreaForward (FTermArea *)
void scrollAreaReverse (FTermArea *)
void clearArea (FTermArea *, wchar_t=L' ') noexcept
void forceTerminalUpdate () const
auto processTerminalUpdate () const -> bool
- Protected Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FObject
void setWidgetProperty (bool=true)
virtual void onTimer (FTimerEvent *)
virtual void onUserEvent (FUserEvent *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FObjectTimer
auto getTimerList () const -> FTimer< FObject >::FTimerList *
auto processTimerEvent () -> uInt


auto sortByName (const FFileDialog::FDirEntry &, const FFileDialog::FDirEntry &) -> bool
auto sortDirFirst (const FFileDialog::FDirEntry &, const FFileDialog::FDirEntry &) -> bool
auto fileChooser (FWidget *, const FString &, const FString &, FFileDialog::DialogType) -> FString

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from finalcut::FObject
static constexpr auto UNLIMITED = static_cast<std::size_t>(-1)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FWindow
static void setPreviousWindow (FWindow *)
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FWidget
static auto getModalDialogCounter () -> uInt
static auto getDialogList () -> FWidgetList *&
static auto getAlwaysOnTopList () -> FWidgetList *&
static auto getWidgetCloseList () -> FWidgetList *&
static auto setModalDialogCounter () -> uInt &
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FVTerm
static auto getLayer (FVTerm &) noexcept -> int
static void determineWindowLayers () noexcept
static void startDrawing () noexcept
static void finishDrawing () noexcept

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: