Public Member Functions | List of all members
finalcut::FProgressbar Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for finalcut::FProgressbar:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for finalcut::FProgressbar:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 FProgressbar (FWidget *=nullptr)
auto getClassName () const -> FString override
auto getPercentage () const noexcept -> std::size_t
void setPercentage (std::size_t)
void setSize (const FSize &, bool=true) override
void setGeometry (const FPoint &, const FSize &, bool=true) override
auto setShadow (bool=true) -> bool
auto unsetShadow () -> bool
auto hasShadow () const -> bool
void hide () override
void reset ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FWidget
 FWidget (FWidget *=nullptr)
auto getRootWidget () -> FWidget *
auto getParentWidget () const -> FWidget *
auto getAcceleratorList () const &-> const FAcceleratorList &
auto getStatusbarMessage () const -> FString
auto getForegroundColor () const noexcept -> FColor
auto getBackgroundColor () const noexcept -> FColor
auto doubleFlatLine_ref (Side) -> std::vector< bool > &
auto getX () const -> int
auto getY () const -> int
auto getPos () const -> FPoint
auto getTermX () const -> int
auto getTermY () const -> int
auto getTermPos () const -> FPoint
auto getWidth () const -> std::size_t
auto getHeight () const -> std::size_t
auto getSize () const -> FSize
auto getTopPadding () const noexcept -> int
auto getLeftPadding () const noexcept -> int
auto getBottomPadding () const noexcept -> int
auto getRightPadding () const noexcept -> int
auto getClientWidth () const -> std::size_t
auto getClientHeight () const -> std::size_t
auto getClientSize () const -> FSize
auto getMaxWidth () const -> std::size_t
auto getMaxHeight () const -> std::size_t
auto getShadow () const &-> const FSize &
auto getGeometry () const &-> const FRect &
auto getGeometryWithShadow () &-> const FRect &
auto getTermGeometry () &-> const FRect &
auto getTermGeometryWithShadow () &-> const FRect &
auto getDesktopWidth () const -> std::size_t
auto getDesktopHeight () const -> std::size_t
auto getFlags () const &-> const FWidgetFlags &
auto getCursorPos () const -> FPoint
auto getPrintPos () -> FPoint
auto setAcceleratorList () &-> FAcceleratorList &
virtual void setStatusbarMessage (const FString &)
auto setVisible (bool=true) -> bool
auto unsetVisible () -> bool
virtual auto setEnable (bool=true) -> bool
virtual auto unsetEnable () -> bool
virtual auto setDisable () -> bool
virtual auto setVisibleCursor (bool=true) -> bool
virtual auto unsetVisibleCursor () -> bool
virtual auto setFocus (bool=true, FocusTypes=FocusTypes::DefiniteWidget) -> bool
virtual auto unsetFocus () -> bool
void setFocusable (bool=true)
void unsetFocusable ()
auto ignorePadding (bool=true) -> bool
auto acceptPadding () -> bool
virtual void setForegroundColor (FColor)
virtual void setBackgroundColor (FColor)
virtual void resetColors ()
void useParentWidgetColor ()
void setColor () const
auto setFlags () &-> FWidgetFlags &
virtual void setX (int, bool=true)
virtual void setY (int, bool=true)
virtual void setPos (const FPoint &, bool=true)
virtual void setWidth (std::size_t, bool=true)
virtual void setHeight (std::size_t, bool=true)
void setTopPadding (int, bool=true)
void setLeftPadding (int, bool=true)
void setBottomPadding (int, bool=true)
void setRightPadding (int, bool=true)
void setTerminalSize (const FSize &) const
virtual void setGeometry (const FRect &, bool=true)
virtual void setShadowSize (const FSize &)
void setMinimumWidth (std::size_t)
void setMinimumHeight (std::size_t)
void setMinimumSize (const FSize &)
void setMaximumWidth (std::size_t)
void setMaximumHeight (std::size_t)
void setMaximumSize (const FSize &)
void setFixedSize (const FSize &)
virtual auto setCursorPos (const FPoint &) -> bool
void unsetCursorPos ()
virtual void setPrintPos (const FPoint &)
void setDoubleFlatLine (Side, bool=true)
void unsetDoubleFlatLine (Side)
void setDoubleFlatLine (Side, int, bool=true)
void unsetDoubleFlatLine (Side, int)
auto isRootWidget () const -> bool
auto isWindowWidget () const -> bool
auto isDialogWidget () const -> bool
auto isMenuWidget () const -> bool
auto isVisible () const -> bool
auto isShown () const -> bool
auto isHidden () const -> bool
auto isEnabled () const -> bool
auto hasVisibleCursor () const -> bool
auto hasFocus () const -> bool
auto acceptFocus () const -> bool
auto isPaddingIgnored () const -> bool
auto childWidgetAt (const FPoint &) &-> FWidget *
auto numOfFocusableChildren () &-> int
virtual auto close () -> bool
void clearStatusbarMessage ()
template<typename... Args>
void addCallback (FString &&, Args &&...) &noexcept
template<typename... Args>
void delCallback (Args &&...) &noexcept
void emitCallback (const FString &) const &
void addAccelerator (FKey) &
virtual void addAccelerator (FKey, FWidget *) &
void delAccelerator () &
virtual void delAccelerator (FWidget *) &
virtual void flushChanges ()
virtual void redraw ()
virtual void resize ()
virtual void show ()
virtual auto focusNextChild () -> bool
virtual auto focusPrevChild () -> bool
virtual auto focusFirstChild () &-> bool
virtual auto focusLastChild () &-> bool
auto termToWidgetPos (const FPoint &) const -> FPoint
void print (const FPoint &) override
virtual void move (const FPoint &)
virtual void drawBorder ()
template<typename... Args>
void addCallback (FString &&cb_signal, Args &&... args) &noexcept
template<typename... Args>
void delCallback (Args &&... args) &noexcept
- Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FVTerm
 FVTerm (const FVTerm &)=delete
 FVTerm (FVTerm &&) noexcept=delete
template<typename FOutputType >
 FVTerm (outputClass< FOutputType >)
auto operator= (const FVTerm &) -> FVTerm &=delete
auto operator= (FVTerm &&) noexcept -> FVTerm &=delete
template<typename NumT , enable_if_arithmetic_without_char_t< NumT > = nullptr>
auto operator<< (const NumT &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
template<typename CharT , enable_if_CString_t< CharT > = nullptr>
auto operator<< (const CharT &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (char) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (wchar_t) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const wchar_t *) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const UniChar &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const std::string &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const std::wstring &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const FString &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (FVTermBuffer &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const FVTermBuffer &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const FChar &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const FCharVector &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const FPoint &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const FStyle &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto operator<< (const FColorPair &) noexcept -> FVTerm &
auto getVWin () noexcept -> FTermArea *
auto getVWin () const noexcept -> const FTermArea *
auto getPrintCursor () -> FPoint
void setTerminalUpdates (TerminalUpdate) const
void setCursor (const FPoint &) noexcept
void setVWin (std::unique_ptr< FTermArea > &&) noexcept
virtual void clearArea (wchar_t=L' ')
void createVDesktop (const FSize &size) noexcept
void createVTerm (const FSize &) noexcept
void resizeVTerm (const FSize &) const noexcept
void putVTerm () const
auto updateTerminal () const -> bool
auto interpretControlCodes (FTermArea *, const FChar &) const noexcept -> bool
template<typename... Args>
auto printf (const FString &, Args &&...) noexcept -> int
auto print (const FString &) noexcept -> int
auto print (FTermArea *, const FString &) noexcept -> int
auto print (const std::vector< FChar > &) noexcept -> int
auto print (FTermArea *, const std::vector< FChar > &) noexcept -> int
auto print (FVTermBuffer &) noexcept -> int
auto print (const FVTermBuffer &) noexcept -> int
auto print (FTermArea *, FVTermBuffer &) const noexcept -> int
auto print (FTermArea *, const FVTermBuffer &) const noexcept -> int
auto print (wchar_t) noexcept -> int
auto print (FTermArea *, wchar_t) noexcept -> int
auto print (const FChar &) noexcept -> int
auto print (FTermArea *, const FChar &) const noexcept -> int
auto print () &-> FVTerm &
void flush () const
template<typename... Args>
auto printf (const FString &format, Args &&... args) noexcept -> int
- Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FVTermAttribute
 FVTermAttribute (const FVTermAttribute &)=delete
 FVTermAttribute (FVTermAttribute &&) noexcept=delete
auto operator= (const FVTermAttribute &) -> FVTermAttribute &=delete
auto operator= (FVTermAttribute &&) noexcept -> FVTermAttribute &=delete
- Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FObject
 FObject (FObject *=nullptr)
 FObject (const FObject &)=delete
 FObject (FObject &&) noexcept=delete
auto operator= (const FObject &) -> FObject &=delete
auto operator= (FObject &&) noexcept -> FObject &=delete
auto getParent () const &-> FObject *
auto getChild (int) const &-> FObject *
auto getChildren () &-> FObjectList &
auto getChildren () const &-> const FObjectList &
auto getMaxChildren () const &noexcept -> std::size_t
auto numOfChildren () const &-> std::size_t
auto begin () -> iterator
auto end () -> iterator
auto begin () const -> const_iterator
auto end () const -> const_iterator
auto cbegin () const noexcept -> const_iterator
auto cend () const noexcept -> const_iterator
auto rbegin () -> reverse_iterator
auto rend () -> reverse_iterator
auto rbegin () const -> const_reverse_iterator
auto rend () const -> const_reverse_iterator
auto crbegin () const noexcept -> const_reverse_iterator
auto crend () const noexcept -> const_reverse_iterator
auto front () -> reference
auto back () -> reference
auto front () const -> const_reference
auto back () const -> const_reference
void setMaxChildren (std::size_t) noexcept
auto hasParent () const &noexcept -> bool
auto hasChildren () const &-> bool
auto isChild (const FObject *) const &-> bool
auto isDirectChild (const FObject *) const &-> bool
auto isWidget () const noexcept -> bool
auto isInstanceOf (const FString &) const -> bool
void removeParent () &
void addChild (FObject *) &
void delChild (FObject *) &
void setParent (FObject *) &
- Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FObjectTimer
auto addTimer (int interval) -> int
auto delTimer (int id) const -> bool
auto delOwnTimers () const -> bool
auto delAllTimers () const -> bool

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from finalcut::FWidget
using FWidgetList = std::vector< FWidget * >
using FAcceleratorList = std::vector< FAccelerator >
- Public Types inherited from finalcut::FVTerm
enum  CoveredState { None, Half, Full }
enum  TerminalUpdate { Stop, Continue, Start }
using FCharVector = std::vector< FChar >
using FPreprocessingHandler = void(FVTerm::*)()
using FPreprocessingFunction = std::function< void()>
using FPreprocVector = std::vector< std::unique_ptr< FVTermPreprocessing > >
using FVTermList = std::vector< FVTerm * >
- Public Types inherited from finalcut::FObject
using FObjectList = std::vector< FObject * >
using iterator = FObjectList::iterator
using reverse_iterator = FObjectList::reverse_iterator
using const_iterator = FObjectList::const_iterator
using const_reverse_iterator = FObjectList::const_reverse_iterator
using reference = FObjectList::reference
using const_reference = FObjectList::const_reference
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FWidget
static auto getMainWidget () -> FWidget *&
static auto getActiveWindow () -> FWidget *&
static auto getFocusWidget () -> FWidget *&
static auto getClickedWidget () -> FWidget *&
static auto getOpenMenu () -> FWidget *&
static auto getMoveResizeWidget () -> FWidget *&
static auto getMenuBar () -> FMenuBar *
static auto getStatusBar () -> FStatusBar *
static auto getColorTheme () -> std::shared_ptr< FWidgetColors > &
static void setMainWidget (FWidget *)
static void setFocusWidget (FWidget *)
static void setClickedWidget (FWidget *)
static void setMoveSizeWidget (FWidget *)
static void setActiveWindow (FWidget *)
static void setOpenMenu (FWidget *)
template<typename ClassT >
static void setColorTheme ()
static void quit ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FVTerm
static auto getFOutput () -> std::shared_ptr< FOutput >
static auto getWindowList () -> FVTermList *
static void setNonBlockingRead (bool=true)
static void unsetNonBlockingRead ()
static auto isDrawingFinished () noexcept -> bool
static auto isTerminalUpdateForced () noexcept -> bool
static auto areTerminalUpdatesPaused () noexcept -> bool
static auto hasPendingTerminalUpdates () noexcept -> bool
static void reduceTerminalLineUpdates (uInt)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FVTermAttribute
static auto getTermForegroundColor () -> FColor
static auto getTermBackgroundColor () -> FColor
static auto getAttribute () -> FChar &
static void setColor (FColor, FColor)
static void setNormal ()
static void setBold (bool=true)
static void unsetBold ()
static void setDim (bool=true)
static void unsetDim ()
static void setItalic (bool=true)
static void unsetItalic ()
static void setUnderline (bool=true)
static void unsetUnderline ()
static void setBlink (bool=true)
static void unsetBlink ()
static void setReverse (bool=true)
static void unsetReverse ()
static void setStandout (bool=true)
static void unsetStandout ()
static void setInvisible (bool=true)
static void unsetInvisible ()
static void setProtected (bool=true)
static void unsetProtected ()
static void setCrossedOut (bool=true)
static void unsetCrossedOut ()
static void setDoubleUnderline (bool=true)
static void unsetDoubleUnderline ()
static void setAltCharset (bool=true)
static void unsetAltCharset ()
static void setPCcharset (bool=true)
static void unsetPCcharset ()
static void setTransparent (bool=true)
static void unsetTransparent ()
static void setColorOverlay (bool=true)
static void unsetColorOverlay ()
static void setInheritBackground (bool=true)
static void unsetInheritBackground ()
static auto isBold () -> bool
static auto isDim () -> bool
static auto isItalic () -> bool
static auto isUnderline () -> bool
static auto isBlink () -> bool
static auto isReverse () -> bool
static auto isStandout () -> bool
static auto isInvisible () -> bool
static auto isProtected () -> bool
static auto isCrossedOut () -> bool
static auto isDoubleUnderline () -> bool
static auto isAltCharset () -> bool
static auto isPCcharset () -> bool
static auto isTransparent () -> bool
static auto isColorOverlay () -> bool
static auto isInheritBackground () -> bool
static void initAttribute ()
static void print (const FStyle &)
static void print (const FColorPair &)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FObjectTimer
static auto getCurrentTime () -> TimeValue
static auto isTimeout (const TimeValue &time, uInt64 timeout) -> bool
- Static Public Attributes inherited from finalcut::FObject
static constexpr auto UNLIMITED = static_cast<std::size_t>(-1)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FWidget
auto getPrintArea () -> FTermArea *override
void addPreprocessingHandler (const FVTerm *, FPreprocessingFunction &&) override
void delPreprocessingHandler (const FVTerm *) override
auto isChildPrintArea () const -> bool
virtual void setStatusBar (FStatusBar *)
virtual void setMenuBar (FMenuBar *)
void setParentOffset ()
void setTermOffset ()
void setTermOffsetWithPadding ()
void initTerminal () override
void initDesktop ()
virtual void initLayout ()
virtual void adjustSize ()
void adjustSizeGlobal ()
void hideArea (const FSize &)
auto event (FEvent *) -> bool override
virtual void onKeyPress (FKeyEvent *)
virtual void onKeyUp (FKeyEvent *)
virtual void onKeyDown (FKeyEvent *)
virtual void onMouseDown (FMouseEvent *)
virtual void onMouseUp (FMouseEvent *)
virtual void onMouseDoubleClick (FMouseEvent *)
virtual void onWheel (FWheelEvent *)
virtual void onMouseMove (FMouseEvent *)
virtual void onFocusIn (FFocusEvent *)
virtual void onFocusOut (FFocusEvent *)
virtual void onChildFocusIn (FFocusEvent *)
virtual void onChildFocusOut (FFocusEvent *)
virtual void onTermFocusIn (FFocusEvent *)
virtual void onTermFocusOut (FFocusEvent *)
virtual void onFailAtChildFocus (FFocusEvent *)
virtual void onAccel (FAccelEvent *)
virtual void onResize (FResizeEvent *)
virtual void onShow (FShowEvent *)
virtual void onHide (FHideEvent *)
virtual void onClose (FCloseEvent *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FVTerm
auto getChildPrintArea () const -> FTermArea *
auto getCurrentPrintArea () const -> FTermArea *
auto getVirtualDesktop () const -> FTermArea *
auto getVirtualTerminal () const -> FTermArea *
void setPrintArea (FTermArea *)
void setChildPrintArea (FTermArea *)
void setActiveArea (FTermArea *) const
auto isActive (const FTermArea *) const -> bool
auto hasPrintArea () const -> bool
auto hasChildPrintArea () const -> bool
auto isVirtualWindow () const -> bool
auto isCursorHideable () const -> bool
auto createArea (const FRect &, const FSize &) -> std::unique_ptr< FTermArea >
auto createArea (const FRect &) -> std::unique_ptr< FTermArea >
void resizeArea (const FRect &, const FSize &, FTermArea *) const
void resizeArea (const FRect &, FTermArea *) const
void restoreVTerm (const FRect &) const noexcept
auto updateVTermCursor (const FTermArea *) const noexcept -> bool
void hideVTermCursor () const
void setAreaCursor (const FPoint &, bool, FTermArea *) const noexcept
void getArea (const FPoint &, FTermArea *) const noexcept
void getArea (const FRect &, FTermArea *) const noexcept
void addLayer (FTermArea *) const noexcept
void putArea (const FPoint &, const FTermArea *) const noexcept
void copyArea (FTermArea *, const FPoint &, const FTermArea *const) const noexcept
void scrollAreaForward (FTermArea *)
void scrollAreaReverse (FTermArea *)
void clearArea (FTermArea *, wchar_t=L' ') noexcept
void forceTerminalUpdate () const
auto processTerminalUpdate () const -> bool
- Protected Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FObject
void setWidgetProperty (bool=true)
virtual void onTimer (FTimerEvent *)
virtual void onUserEvent (FUserEvent *)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FObjectTimer
auto getTimerList () const -> FTimer< FObject >::FTimerList *
auto processTimerEvent () -> uInt
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FWidget
static auto getModalDialogCounter () -> uInt
static auto getDialogList () -> FWidgetList *&
static auto getAlwaysOnTopList () -> FWidgetList *&
static auto getWidgetCloseList () -> FWidgetList *&
static auto setModalDialogCounter () -> uInt &
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from finalcut::FVTerm
static auto getLayer (FVTerm &) noexcept -> int
static void determineWindowLayers () noexcept
static void startDrawing () noexcept
static void finishDrawing () noexcept

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: