Oyranos  git-devel
Oyranos is a full featured Color Management System

Obtain a profile for the first monitor from Online Taxi DB.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h> /* sprintf() */
#include <oyConfig_s.h>
#include <oyOptions_s.h>
int main ( int argc OY_UNUSED, char ** argv OY_UNUSED )
// get a device
oyConfig_s * device = 0;
oyConfigs_s * ds = 0;
oyDevicesGet( 0, "monitor", 0, &ds );
device = oyConfigs_Get( ds, 0 ); oyConfigs_Release( &ds );
// get all Taxi DB entries for a device
oyConfigs_s * taxi_devices = 0;
int error;
error = oyDevicesFromTaxiDB( device, 0, &taxi_devices, 0 );
// see how many are included
int n = oyConfigs_Count( taxi_devices ),
char * id = calloc( sizeof(char), 1024 );
for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
int32_t rank = 0;
oyOptions_s * options = NULL;
oyConfig_s * taxi_device = oyConfigs_Get( taxi_devices, i );
error = oyDeviceCompare( device, taxi_device, &rank );
// get first profile from Taxi DB
if(i == 0)
// select the first assigned profile in position zero
snprintf( id, 1024, "%s/0", oyOptions_FindString(
"TAXI_id", 0 ));
error = oyOptions_SetFromString( &options,
"//" OY_TYPE_STD "/db/TAXI_id",
ip = oyProfile_FromTaxiDB( options, NULL );
oyOptions_Release( &options );
if(rank > 0)
error = oyOptions_SetFromString( &options,
"////device", "1",
error = oyProfile_Install( ip, scope, options );
oyOptions_Release( &options );
printf( "No valid Profile obtained: %s\n", id );
printf( "Profile already installed: %s\n", oyProfile_GetText( ip, oyNAME_DESCRIPTION ));
else if(error == oyERROR_DATA_WRITE)
printf( "User Path can not be written\n" );
else if(error == oyCORRUPTED)
printf( "Profile not useable: %s\n", oyProfile_GetText( ip, oyNAME_DESCRIPTION ) );
else if(error > 0)
printf( "%s - %d","Internal Error", error );
uint32_t icc_profile_flags = 0;
const char * filename = oyProfile_GetFileName( ip, -1 );
/* select profiles matching actual capabilities */
"//" OY_TYPE_STD "/icc_color", NULL, 0 );
printf( "installed -> %s\n", filename );
// store new settings in the Oyranos data base
oyDeviceSetProfile( device, oySCOPE_USER, strrchr( filename, OY_SLASH_C ) + 1 );
// remove any device entries
oyDeviceUnset( device );
// update the device from the newly added Oyranos data base settings
error = oyOptions_SetFromInt( &options,
"//" OY_TYPE_STD "/icc_profile_flags",
icc_profile_flags, 0, OY_CREATE_NEW );
error = oyOptions_SetFromString( &options,
"//"OY_TYPE_STD"/config/skip_ask_for_profile", "yes", OY_CREATE_NEW );
oyDeviceSetup( device, options );
printf( "assigned -> %s\n", strrchr( filename, OY_SLASH_C ) + 1 );
if(rank > 0)
const char * t = oyConfig_FindString(taxi_device, "TAXI_profile_description", 0);
printf( "rank[%d] %s\n", rank, t?t:"" );
// release data
oyConfigs_Release( &taxi_devices );
return 0;