▼Nmcl | Author: Luc Bettaieb, 2020 BSD-Licensed |
▼Nstages | |
▼Ndistributors | |
CGaussianDistributor | |
CGaussianDistributorParams | |
▼Nextractors | |
CUnimodalExtractor | |
CUnimodalExtractorParams | |
▼Nresamplers | |
CLowVarianceResampler | |
CLowVarianceResamplerParams | |
▼Nupdaters | |
CDiffDriveUpdater | |
CDiffDriveUpdaterParams | |
CDistributor | |
CDistributorParams | Base parameter struct for the distributor |
CExtractor | |
CExtractorParams | Base parameter struct for the extractor |
CResampler | |
CResamplerParams | Base parameter struct for the resampler |
CScorer | |
CScorerParams | Base parameter struct for the Scorer |
CUpdater | |
CUpdaterParams | Base parameter struct for the updater |
CMeasurement | |
CParticle | |
CParticleFilter | |
CParticleFilterParams | Parameters for the particle filter |
CState | The state that we are trying to track |