Crombie Tools
PlotStack Class Reference

Class used for making stack plots. More...

#include <PlotStack.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for PlotStack:

Public Member Functions

 PlotStack ()
virtual ~PlotStack ()
PlotStackCopy ()
 Copy this PlotStack for parallelization. More...
void InsertTemplate (TString fileName, TString histName, TString LegendEntry)
 Insert a histogram from file into the stack plot. More...
void MakeCanvas (TString FileBase, Int_t NumXBins, Double_t *XBins, TString XLabel, TString YLabel="", Bool_t logY=false)
 Choose the binning of your plots and make then. More...
void MakeCanvas (TString FileBase, Int_t NumXBins, Double_t MinX, Double_t MaxX, TString XLabel, TString YLabel="", Bool_t logY=false)
 Binning with fixed width. More...
void MakeCanvas (TString FileBase, TString XLabel, TString YLabel="", Bool_t logY=false)
 Make plots with the PlotPreparer. More...
std::vector< HistHolder * > MergeHistograms (FileType type, std::vector< TH1D *> hists)
 Merge a vector of histograms into a vector of HistHolders. More...
void SetAddSignal (Bool_t add)
 Use this to set whether the signal sits on top or not. More...
void SetDebug (Bool_t debug)
 This dumps out some raw values for you to check yields. More...
void SetDumpFileName (TString dumpName)
 Set the name of a .root file to dump the separate histograms used in the plots. More...
void SetForceTop (TString force)
 Sets the legend entry that will be on the top of the stack. More...
void SetHistSuff (TString suff)
 Set the suffix of dumped histograms. More...
void SetIgnoreInLinear (Double_t ignore)
 Set the minimum fraction of backgrounds that are not plotted or mentioned in linear scale. More...
void SetMinLegendFrac (Double_t frac)
 Set the minimum fraction of background that shows up on the plot's legend separately. More...
void SetOthersColor (Color_t color)
 Set the color of the "Others" legend entry. More...
void SetPostFitFile (TString file_name, TString region)
 Use this to get a post-fit line. More...
void SetSortBackground (Bool_t doSort)
 Use this to change the automatic sorting of backgrounds based on yields. More...
void SetSortSignal (Bool_t doSort)
 Use this to change the automatic sorting of signals based on yields. More...
void SetStackLineWidth (Int_t width)
 Set the line width of the stack plots. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PlotPreparer
virtual ~PlotPreparer ()
void AddEnvelopeWeight (TString weight, Int_t index=1)
void AddHist (TString FileBase, Int_t NumXBins, Double_t *XBins, TString dataExpr, TString mcExpr, TString cut, TString dataWeight, TString mcWeight)
 Add a histogram to plot. More...
void AddHist (TString FileBase, Int_t NumXBins, Double_t MinX, Double_t MaxX, TString dataExpr, TString mcExpr, TString cut, TString dataWeight, TString mcWeight)
 Add a histogram to plot. More...
void StartEnvelope (Bool_t is_up)
 Start tracking branches for a given envelope. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ParallelRunner
void SetNumThreads (UInt_t nthreads)
 Set the number of cores to use in the plotting. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FileConfigReader
 FileConfigReader ()
virtual ~FileConfigReader ()
void AddDataFile (TString fileName)
 Add a data file. More...
void AddFile (TString treeName, TString fileName, Double_t XSec, TString entry="", Int_t colorstyle=0)
 This is the default MC File adder. More...
void AddFile (TString treeName, TString fileName, Double_t XSec, TString entry, Int_t colorstyle, FileType type)
 Default File adder with FileType changing. More...
void AddFile (TString fileName, Double_t XSec, TString entry, Int_t colorstyle)
 This is for when you don't care about limit trees and are adding by hand. More...
void AddFile (TString fileName, Double_t XSec, TString entry, Int_t colorstyle, FileType type)
 For when you don't care about limit trees and are adding by hand with type changing. More...
FileType GetFileType ()
 Get the FileType of the current file. More...
void LoadFitResult (const char *fit_result)
 Loads the fit result into memory for this stacks to make. More...
void NameTreesAfterLimits (FileType type=kBackground)
 Use this function to replace the Legend Entries of the FileInfo with the Limit Tree Names. More...
void ReadMCConfig (TString config, TString fileDir="")
 Reads an MC configuration file. More...
void ReadMCConfig (TString config, FileType type, TString fileDir="")
 Reads an MC configuration while changing the FileType. More...
void ResetAllConfig ()
 Resets the information from the config files being held for all types. More...
void ResetConfig (FileType type=kBackground)
 Resets the information from the for one type. More...
std::vector< TString > ReturnFileNames (FileType type=kBackground, TString matchName="", SearchBy search=kLimitName, Bool_t match=true)
 Returns a vector of file names that have been read from the configs. More...
TChain * ReturnTChain (TString treeName="events", FileType type=kBackground, TString matchName="", SearchBy search=kLimitName, Bool_t match=true)
 Returns a TChain of files that match the FileType and name for the LimitTreeMaker. More...
std::set< TString > ReturnTreeNames (FileType type=kBackground)
 Returns a vector of limit tree names that have been read from the configs. More...
void ScaleBackgrounds (TString entry, Double_t scale, SearchBy search=kLimitName, FileType type=kBackground)
 Scales the cross section of the matching MC samples by a factor of 1.0 + scale, destroying the old cross section in the process. More...
void SetAllHistName (TString name)
 Set the all histogram and luminosity for normalization. More...
void SetDataEntry (TString entry)
 Set the legend entry for data. More...
void SetDataExpression (TString expr)
 Use this to set a different expression for data from MC. More...
void SetDataTreeName (TString name)
 Set the tree name for data. More...
void SetDataWeight (TCut weight)
 The multipliers for Data can be set separately. More...
void SetDataWeight (const char *weight)
 The multipliers for Data can be set separately. More...
void SetFileType (FileType type)
 Set the FileType of the next config file read. More...
void SetKeepAllFiles (Bool_t keep)
 Allows reader to avoid skipping when reading in exception configs. More...
void SetLegendColor (TString entry, Int_t color, FileType type=kBackground)
 Sets the FileInfo with the matching Legend Names to the new colors. More...
void SetLuminosity (Double_t lum)
 Set the Luminosity in inverse pb. More...
void SetMCWeight (TCut weight)
 The multipliers for MC can be set separately. More...
void SetMCWeight (const char *weight)
 The multipliers for MC can be set separately. More...
void SetTreeName (TString name)
 Set the tree of the files you are trying to plot. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from InOutDirectoryHolder
 InOutDirectoryHolder ()
virtual ~InOutDirectoryHolder ()
TString GetOutDirectory () const
void SetInputOutputMap (TString input, TString output)
 Adds a mapping from input to output file name. More...
void SetOutDirectory (TString dir)
 Sets the output directory where the files will be written, and adds a "/" if needed. More...
void SetOverwriteFiles (Bool_t overwrite)
 Sets whether or not to overwrite files. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from InDirectoryHolder
 InDirectoryHolder ()
virtual ~InDirectoryHolder ()
TString GetInDirectory () const
void SetInDirectory (TString dir)
 Sets the input directory where the MCFiles will be searched for, and adds a "/" if needed. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Debug
 Debug ()
virtual ~Debug ()
DebugLevel GetDebugLevel ()
 Gets the verbosity for a class. More...
template<typename T , typename... V>
void Message (DebugLevel level, T message, V... more)
 Sends a message if the verbosity level is appropriate. More...
void Message (DebugLevel level)
void SetDebugLevel (DebugLevel level)
 Sets the verbosity for a class. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PlotHists
 PlotHists ()
virtual ~PlotHists ()
void AddUncertainty (UInt_t index, TString FileName, TString HistName, Int_t startBin=1, Int_t endBin=0)
 Add uncertainty factors to some index of histograms about to be made. More...
void MakeCanvas (TString FileBase, std::vector< TH1D *> theHists, TString XLabel, TString YLabel, Bool_t logY=false)
 Simplest of Canvas makers with just histograms as arugments, allowing for user manipulation of histograms. More...
std::vector< TH1D * > MakeHists (Int_t NumXBins, Double_t *XBins)
 This just return vectors of histograms for other uses. More...
std::vector< TH1D * > MakeHists (Int_t NumXBins, Double_t MinX, Double_t MaxX)
void SetEventsPer (Double_t per)
 We can set events per some value of x so that our legend entry is not wrong and variable binning doesn't look stupid. More...
void SetNormalizedHists (Bool_t b)
 We can set normalization to match a particular other hist (or just 1) More...
void SetNormalizeTo (Int_t to)
 Set index of which histogram to normalize to. More...
void SetUncertaintySquared (TString expr)
 Add uncertainty factors through branch expressions instead of a histogram. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PlotBase
 PlotBase ()
virtual ~PlotBase ()
void AddCutLine (Double_t loc, bool is_vert=true)
 Adds a dotted line in order to show cuts. More...
void AddExpr (TString expr)
 Set an x expression for a single line. More...
void AddLegendEntry (TString LegendEntry, Color_t ColorEntry)
 Set entry and color for each line. This uses the default line width and style. More...
void AddLegendEntry (TString LegendEntry, Color_t ColorEntry, Int_t LineWidth, Int_t LineStyle)
 Set entry, color, width, and style for each line. More...
void AddLine (TTree *tree, TCut cut, TString expr)
 This function adds a tree pointer, cut, and expression used for generating a line in the plot. More...
void AddLine (TTree *tree, const char *cut, TString expr)
 This function adds a tree pointer, cut, and expression used for generating a line in the plot. More...
void AddRatioLine (Int_t line)
 Add a line to show in the ratio plot. More...
void AddSystematicBranch (TString branch)
 Add branches that contain independent systematic uncertainties to show in the plots. More...
void AddTree (TTree *tree)
 Set a tree for a single line. More...
void AddTreeExpr (TTree *tree, TString expr)
 Set a tree and expression concurrently for each line. Best used when a default weight is set. More...
void AddTreeWeight (TTree *tree, TCut cut)
 Set a tree and weight concurrently for each line. Best used when a default expression is set. More...
void AddTreeWeight (TTree *tree, const char *cut)
 Set a tree and weight concurrently for each line. Best used when a default expression is set. More...
void AddWeight (TCut cut)
 Set a weight for a single line. More...
void AddWeight (const char *cut)
 Set a weight for a single line. More...
void AddWeightExpr (TCut cut, TString expr)
 Set a weight and expression concurrently for each line. Best used when a default tree is set. More...
void AddWeightExpr (const char *cut, TString expr)
 Set a weight and expression concurrently for each line. Best used when a default tree is set. More...
TCut GetDefaultWeight () const
 Get the default weight. More...
void OnlyPDF ()
 Call this before plotting to only write plots to .pdf files. More...
void OnlyPNG ()
 Call this before plotting to only write plots to .png files. More...
void ResetCutLines ()
 Resets the number of cut lines to plot. More...
void ResetExpr ()
 Reset the list of expressions used to makes lines. More...
void ResetLegend ()
 Resets the legend entries for each line. More...
void ResetSystematics ()
 Reset list of branches that contain systematics. More...
void ResetTree ()
 Reset the list of trees used to makes lines. More...
void ResetWeight ()
 Reset the list of weights used to makes lines. More...
void SetAxisMinMax (Float_t min, Float_t max)
 Forces the minimum and maximum values of the Y-axis in the plot. More...
void SetAxisTitleOffset (Float_t offset)
 Sets the offset of the Y-axis title as a ratio of the default offset. More...
void SetCanvasName (TString name)
 Sets the name of the canvas created by PlotBase. More...
void SetCanvasSize (Int_t width, Int_t height)
 Sets the size of the output canvas. More...
void SetCMSLabel (TString type)
 Set the type of CMS label for the plot. More...
void SetCutLineStyle (Color_t color, Int_t width, Int_t style)
 Sets the style for the cut lines. More...
void SetDataIndex (Int_t data)
 Set one of the lines to be plotted as data. More...
void SetDefaultCut (const char *cut)
void SetDefaultExpr (TString expr)
 Set the default expression to be plotted on the x-axis for each line in the plot. More...
void SetDefaultLineStyle (Int_t style)
 Set the default line style. More...
void SetDefaultLineWidth (Int_t width)
 Set the default line width. More...
void SetDefaultTree (TTree *tree)
 Set the default tree pointer for each line in the plot. More...
void SetDefaultWeight (TCut cut)
 Set the default weight for each line in the plot. More...
void SetDefaultWeight (const char *cut)
 Set the default weight for each line in the plot. More...
void SetDrawFirst (Int_t first)
 Force a line to draw first on the plot, if desired. More...
void SetDrawOpts (TString options)
 Set additional drawing options to force all lines to have. More...
void SetFontSize (Float_t fontSize)
 Sets the fontsize of the axis labels. More...
void SetIncludeErrorBars (Bool_t include)
 Set this to true to feature error bars in the plots. More...
void SetLeftMargin (float left)
void SetLegendBorderSize (Int_t size)
 Set the legend border size. More...
void SetLegendFill (Bool_t fill)
 If true, the legend will be filled with a solid background. More...
void SetLegendLimits (Double_t lim1, Double_t lim2, Double_t lim3, Double_t lim4)
 Set the legend location manually. More...
void SetLegendLocation (LegendY yLoc, LegendX xLoc, Double_t xWidth=0.3, Double_t yWidth=0.2)
 Set the legend location using LegendY and LegendX enums. More...
void SetLumiLabel (TString lumi)
 Set the luminosity label. More...
void SetLumiLabel (Float_t lumi)
 Set the luminosity lable with a float in fb. More...
void SetLumiLabelFormat (TString format)
 Set the luminosity format. More...
void SetMakeRatio (Bool_t ratio)
 If true, a ratio pad will be drawn underneath. More...
void SetRatioDivisions (Int_t divisions, Bool_t optimize=true)
 Sets the divisions of the ratio y axis. More...
void SetRatioGrid (Int_t grid)
 Set horizontal dotted lines on the ratio pad. More...
void SetRatioIndex (Int_t ratio)
 Set which line will be '1' in the ratio plot. More...
void SetRatioMinMax (Float_t min, Float_t max)
 Force the minimum and maximum values of the ratio pad. More...
void SetRatioTitle (TString title)
 Set the y axis label of the ratio pad. More...
void SetTreeList (std::vector< TTree *> treelist)
 Can store multiple trees at once for plots. Each tree plots its own line. More...

Private Member Functions

void MakeCanvas (TString FileBase, std::vector< TH1D *> DataHists, std::vector< TH1D *> MCHists, std::vector< TH1D *> SignalHists, TString XLabel, TString YLabel, Bool_t logY)
 Makes the canvas from histogram vectors. All other MakeCanvas pass through here. More...

Private Attributes

Bool_t fAddSignal = true
 Bool to determine where the signal sits. More...
Bool_t fDebug = false
 Dumps yield tests. More...
TString fDumpRootName = ""
 File where each histogram in stack is dumped. More...
TString fForceTop = ""
 A legend entry that is on the top of backgrounds. More...
TString fHistSuff = ""
Double_t fIgnoreInLinear = 0.0
 If background less than this, do not draw in linear-scale plot. More...
Double_t fMinLegendFrac = 0.0
 If a background contributes less than this, it's grouped in others. More...
Color_t fOthersColor = 0
 Color of the "Others" legend entry. More...
TString fPostFitFile = ""
 Holds the location of post-fit plots. More...
TString fRegion = ""
 Holds the region for post-fit plots. More...
Bool_t fSortBackground = true
 Bool to sort the backgrounds. More...
Bool_t fSortSignal = true
 Bool to sort the signals. More...
Int_t fStackLineWidth = 1
 Line width of the histograms. More...
std::vector< TString > fTemplateEntries
 Holds legend entries of the templates. More...
std::vector< TString > fTemplateFiles
 Holds file name of the templates. More...
std::vector< TString > fTemplateHists
 Holds histogram name of the templates. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from FileConfigReader
enum  FileType { kBackground = 0, kSignal, kData }
 Differentiates between background, signal MC and data. More...
enum  SearchBy { kLimitName = 0, kLegendEntry }
 Determines how to match to return files. More...
- Public Types inherited from Debug
enum  DebugLevel { eQuiet = 0, eError, eInfo, eDebug }
 Different possible debug levels. More...
- Public Types inherited from PlotBase
enum  LegendX { kLeft = 0, kRight }
 Used for horizontal position of legend. More...
enum  LegendY { kUpper = 0, kLower }
 Used for vertical position of legend. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PlotPreparer
std::vector< TH1D * > GetHistList (TString FileBase, FileType type)
 Get the HistList for a given file name, and type. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ParallelRunner
void RunThreads ()
 Run over all of the filled FileInfos. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FileConfigReader
void CloseFiles ()
 Closes the files that are open. More...
std::vector< FileInfo * > * GetFileInfo (FileType type)
 Return a pointer to a proper vector of FileInfo. More...
TH1D * GetHist (std::vector< TH1D *> HistList)
 Draw a single histogram using the default expression and a file list. More...
TH1D * GetHist (Int_t NumXBins, Double_t *XBins, std::vector< TString > FileList, FileType type)
 Draw a single histogram using the default expression and a file list. More...
TH1D * GetHist (Int_t NumXBins, Double_t *XBins, FileType type, TString matchName="", SearchBy search=kLimitName, Bool_t match=true)
 Draw a single histogram using the default expression and file configuration. More...
std::vector< TH1D * > GetHistList (Int_t NumXBins, Double_t *XBins, std::vector< TString > FileList, FileType type)
 Draws histograms for using the default expression and a file list. More...
std::vector< TH1D * > GetHistList (Int_t NumXBins, Double_t *XBins, FileType type, TString matchName="", SearchBy search=kLimitName, Bool_t match=true)
 Draws histograms for using the default expression and file configuration. More...
void OpenFiles (std::vector< TString > fileNames)
 Opens the files in a vector. More...
void SetMultiplyLumi (Bool_t doMultiply)
 Allows reader to avoid skipping when reading in exception configs. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from InOutDirectoryHolder
TString AddOutDir (TString FileName) const
 A helper function that prepends the output directory to a filename. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from InDirectoryHolder
TString AddInDir (TString FileName)
 A helper function that prepends the input directory to a filename. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Debug
void DisplayFunc (const char *func)
 Sends the name of the function during debuggin. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from PlotBase
template<class T >
void BaseCanvas (TString FileBase, std::vector< T *> theLines, TString XLabel, TString YLabel, Bool_t logY=false, Bool_t logX=false)
 This is the powerhouse of all the plotting tools. Everything happens here. More...
void ConvertToArray (Int_t NumXBins, Double_t MinX, Double_t MaxX, Double_t *XBins)
 Takes number of bins, min and max, and dumps it into an already allocated array. More...
TString TempHistName ()
 Get a temporary name for a histogram. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from PlotPreparer
bool fPrepared {false}
 A flag indicating whether or not the plots have been prepared by this class. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from FileConfigReader
TString fAllHistName = "htotal"
 The all histogram name used ingenerating cross section weights. More...
TString fDataEntry = "Data"
 The legend entry for data. More...
std::vector< FileInfo * > fDataFileInfo
 Vector of data FileInfo objects. More...
TString fDataTreeName = "data"
 The base name of the data in a limit tree. More...
TCut fDataWeight = ""
 Separate Data weights if needed. More...
Double_t fLuminosity = 2000.0
 The Luminosity in inverse pb. More...
std::vector< FileInfo * > fMCFileInfo
 Vector of background FileInfo objects. More...
TCut fMCWeight = ""
 Separate MC weights if needed. More...
std::vector< FileInfo * > fSignalFileInfo
 Vector of signal FileInfo objects. More...
TString fTreeName = "events"
 Stores name of tree from file. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from PlotHists
Double_t fEventsPer = 0
 Histogram normalized to events per units of X axis. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from PlotBase
Bool_t bC = true
 If true, BaseCanvas will create a .C macro. More...
Bool_t bPDF = true
 If true, BaseCanvas will create a .pdf file. More...
Bool_t bPNG = true
 If true, BaseCanvas will create a .png file. More...
Float_t fAxisMax = 0.0
 Maximum value of the y-axis. More...
Float_t fAxisMin = 0.0
 Minimum value of the y-axis. More...
Int_t fDataIndex = -1
 Index in the plotter of the data line. More...
TCut fDefaultCut = ""
 Default cut if needed. More...
TString fDefaultExpr = ""
 Default resolution expression if needed. More...
TTree * fDefaultTree = NULL
 Default Tree if needed. More...
Bool_t fIncludeErrorBars = true
 Option to include error bars. More...
std::vector< TCut > fInCuts
 Holds the cuts for the trees if needed. More...
std::vector< TString > fInExpr
 Holds multiple resolution expressions if needed. More...
std::vector< TTree * > fInTrees
 Holds all the trees for each line if needed. More...
Int_t fLegendBorderSize = 0
 Border size of legend. More...
std::vector< TString > fLegendEntries
 Number of legend entries should match number of lines. More...
Bool_t fMakeRatio = false
 Bool to make a ratio plot on bottom of image. More...
Bool_t fOptimDivisions
UInt_t fPlotCounter = 0
 This is used so that making scratch plots does not overlap. More...
Int_t fRatioDivisions
Int_t fRatioGrid
Int_t fRatioIndex = -1
 Pick which line to set as 1 in ratio plot. More...
std::vector< Int_t > fRatioLines
 Vector of line indices to show up in the ratio pad. More...
Float_t fRatioMax = 0.0
 Maximum of the ratio pad. More...
Float_t fRatioMin = 0.0
 Minimum of the ratio pad. More...
TString fRatioTitle
 Label of the ratio pad. More...
std::vector< TString > fSystematicBranches
 Vector of branches to apply as systematic uncertainties. More...
Double_t l1 = 0.6
 First X value of legend location. More...
Double_t l2 = 0.7
 First Y value of legend location. More...
Double_t l3 = 0.9
 Second X value of legend location. More...
Double_t l4 = 0.9
 Second Y value of legend location. More...

Detailed Description

Class used for making stack plots.

Most easy way to use this class is through CrombieTools.PlotTools.PlotStack convenience functions and using an MC Configuration. Many appearance flags must be set through this class's methods though.

Definition at line 24 of file PlotStack.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

§ PlotStack()

PlotStack::PlotStack ( )

Referenced by Copy().

§ ~PlotStack()

PlotStack::~PlotStack ( )

Definition at line 36 of file

Member Function Documentation

§ Copy()

PlotStack * PlotStack::Copy ( )

Copy this PlotStack for parallelization.

Definition at line 446 of file

References PlotStack().

§ InsertTemplate()

void PlotStack::InsertTemplate ( TString  fileName,
TString  histName,
TString  LegendEntry 

Insert a histogram from file into the stack plot.

Most histograms in the stack plot are created from TTree::Draw() functions acting on trees. It is also possible to just insert a histogram generated by someone else into the stack plot.

fileNameis the name of the file containing the histogram.
histNameis the name of the TH1 inside the file.
LegendEntryis the entry in the legend. It does not require underscores for spaces like in the MC Configurations.

Definition at line 79 of file PlotStack.h.

References fTemplateEntries, fTemplateFiles, and fTemplateHists.

§ MakeCanvas() [1/4]

void PlotStack::MakeCanvas ( TString  FileBase,
Int_t  NumXBins,
Double_t *  XBins,
TString  XLabel,
TString  YLabel = "",
Bool_t  logY = false 

§ MakeCanvas() [2/4]

void PlotStack::MakeCanvas ( TString  FileBase,
Int_t  NumXBins,
Double_t  MinX,
Double_t  MaxX,
TString  XLabel,
TString  YLabel = "",
Bool_t  logY = false 

Binning with fixed width.

Reimplemented from PlotHists.

Definition at line 94 of file

References PlotBase::ConvertToArray(), PlotHists::fEventsPer, MakeCanvas(), and PlotHists::SetEventsPer().

§ MakeCanvas() [3/4]

void PlotStack::MakeCanvas ( TString  FileBase,
TString  XLabel,
TString  YLabel = "",
Bool_t  logY = false 

§ MakeCanvas() [4/4]

§ MergeHistograms()

std::vector< HistHolder * > PlotStack::MergeHistograms ( FileType  type,
std::vector< TH1D *>  hists 

Merge a vector of histograms into a vector of HistHolders.

Definition at line 41 of file

References Debug::DisplayFunc(), Debug::eDebug, Debug::eError, fForceTop, FileConfigReader::fTreeName, FileConfigReader::GetFileInfo(), FileConfigReader::kSignal, and Debug::Message().

Referenced by MakeCanvas().

§ SetAddSignal()

void PlotStack::SetAddSignal ( Bool_t  add)

Use this to set whether the signal sits on top or not.

Definition at line 91 of file PlotStack.h.

References fAddSignal.

§ SetDebug()

void PlotStack::SetDebug ( Bool_t  debug)

This dumps out some raw values for you to check yields.

Definition at line 63 of file PlotStack.h.

References crombie::Debug::debug, and fDebug.

§ SetDumpFileName()

void PlotStack::SetDumpFileName ( TString  dumpName)

Set the name of a .root file to dump the separate histograms used in the plots.

Definition at line 65 of file PlotStack.h.

References fDumpRootName.

§ SetForceTop()

void PlotStack::SetForceTop ( TString  force)

Sets the legend entry that will be on the top of the stack.

forceshould match a legend entry. It should have spaces instead of underscores if matching an entry in an [MC Configuration](formatmc).

Definition at line 52 of file PlotStack.h.

References fForceTop.

§ SetHistSuff()

void PlotStack::SetHistSuff ( TString  suff)

Set the suffix of dumped histograms.

Definition at line 68 of file PlotStack.h.

References fHistSuff.

§ SetIgnoreInLinear()

void PlotStack::SetIgnoreInLinear ( Double_t  ignore)

Set the minimum fraction of backgrounds that are not plotted or mentioned in linear scale.

Definition at line 56 of file PlotStack.h.

References fIgnoreInLinear.

§ SetMinLegendFrac()

void PlotStack::SetMinLegendFrac ( Double_t  frac)

Set the minimum fraction of background that shows up on the plot's legend separately.

Definition at line 54 of file PlotStack.h.

References fMinLegendFrac.

§ SetOthersColor()

void PlotStack::SetOthersColor ( Color_t  color)

Set the color of the "Others" legend entry.

Definition at line 58 of file PlotStack.h.

References fOthersColor.

§ SetPostFitFile()

void PlotStack::SetPostFitFile ( TString  file_name,
TString  region 

Use this to get a post-fit line.

Definition at line 94 of file PlotStack.h.

References fPostFitFile, and fRegion.

§ SetSortBackground()

void PlotStack::SetSortBackground ( Bool_t  doSort)

Use this to change the automatic sorting of backgrounds based on yields.

Definition at line 85 of file PlotStack.h.

References fSortBackground.

§ SetSortSignal()

void PlotStack::SetSortSignal ( Bool_t  doSort)

Use this to change the automatic sorting of signals based on yields.

Definition at line 88 of file PlotStack.h.

References fSortSignal.

§ SetStackLineWidth()

void PlotStack::SetStackLineWidth ( Int_t  width)

Set the line width of the stack plots.

Definition at line 60 of file PlotStack.h.

References fStackLineWidth.

Member Data Documentation

§ fAddSignal

Bool_t PlotStack::fAddSignal = true

Bool to determine where the signal sits.

Definition at line 113 of file PlotStack.h.

Referenced by MakeCanvas(), and SetAddSignal().

§ fDebug

Bool_t PlotStack::fDebug = false

Dumps yield tests.

Definition at line 108 of file PlotStack.h.

Referenced by SetDebug().

§ fDumpRootName

TString PlotStack::fDumpRootName = ""

File where each histogram in stack is dumped.

Definition at line 109 of file PlotStack.h.

Referenced by MakeCanvas(), and SetDumpFileName().

§ fForceTop

TString PlotStack::fForceTop = ""

A legend entry that is on the top of backgrounds.

Definition at line 98 of file PlotStack.h.

Referenced by MergeHistograms(), and SetForceTop().

§ fHistSuff

TString PlotStack::fHistSuff = ""

Definition at line 110 of file PlotStack.h.

Referenced by MakeCanvas(), and SetHistSuff().

§ fIgnoreInLinear

Double_t PlotStack::fIgnoreInLinear = 0.0

If background less than this, do not draw in linear-scale plot.

Definition at line 100 of file PlotStack.h.

Referenced by MakeCanvas(), and SetIgnoreInLinear().

§ fMinLegendFrac

Double_t PlotStack::fMinLegendFrac = 0.0

If a background contributes less than this, it's grouped in others.

Definition at line 99 of file PlotStack.h.

Referenced by MakeCanvas(), and SetMinLegendFrac().

§ fOthersColor

Color_t PlotStack::fOthersColor = 0

Color of the "Others" legend entry.

Definition at line 102 of file PlotStack.h.

Referenced by MakeCanvas(), and SetOthersColor().

§ fPostFitFile

TString PlotStack::fPostFitFile = ""

Holds the location of post-fit plots.

Definition at line 114 of file PlotStack.h.

Referenced by MakeCanvas(), and SetPostFitFile().

§ fRegion

TString PlotStack::fRegion = ""

Holds the region for post-fit plots.

Definition at line 115 of file PlotStack.h.

Referenced by MakeCanvas(), and SetPostFitFile().

§ fSortBackground

Bool_t PlotStack::fSortBackground = true

Bool to sort the backgrounds.

Definition at line 111 of file PlotStack.h.

Referenced by MakeCanvas(), and SetSortBackground().

§ fSortSignal

Bool_t PlotStack::fSortSignal = true

Bool to sort the signals.

Definition at line 112 of file PlotStack.h.

Referenced by MakeCanvas(), and SetSortSignal().

§ fStackLineWidth

Int_t PlotStack::fStackLineWidth = 1

Line width of the histograms.

Definition at line 101 of file PlotStack.h.

Referenced by MakeCanvas(), and SetStackLineWidth().

§ fTemplateEntries

std::vector<TString> PlotStack::fTemplateEntries

Holds legend entries of the templates.

Definition at line 106 of file PlotStack.h.

Referenced by InsertTemplate(), and MakeCanvas().

§ fTemplateFiles

std::vector<TString> PlotStack::fTemplateFiles

Holds file name of the templates.

Definition at line 104 of file PlotStack.h.

Referenced by InsertTemplate(), and MakeCanvas().

§ fTemplateHists

std::vector<TString> PlotStack::fTemplateHists

Holds histogram name of the templates.

Definition at line 105 of file PlotStack.h.

Referenced by InsertTemplate(), and MakeCanvas().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: